September 11th: We Bear Witness (Links)

September 11th:  We Bear Witness (Links)

September 11, 2001.  Though you know what happened, for those of us who have lived experience, it’s important to tell the story. We are the witness bearers of that horrible day, so that no one will forget.

On September 11th, Death Was Everywhere

On September 11th, Death Was Everywhere

Today we mark the passing of 22 years since September 11th.

Guest Opinion:  Sarah A. Hoyt – The Dividing Line

Guest Opinion: Sarah A. Hoyt – The Dividing Line

In memory there is a dividing line on my life, a bright one, cutting across a bright and clear September day in the little Mountain Town of…

2997 Reasons why:  Looking back on September 11, 2001

2997 Reasons why: Looking back on September 11, 2001

Men of Cornwall stop your dreaming, Can’t you see their spear points gleaming? See their warriors’ pennants streaming, To this battlefield. Men of Cornwall stand ye steady,…

9/11: We collectively said, “We will never forget.”  We haven’t. [LINKS]

9/11: We collectively said, “We will never forget.” We haven’t. [LINKS]

Twenty years have past since the unspeakably horrible events of September 11th.  Today, a generation of college students and young adults has no memory of the world’s…

Pat Tillman, Where Is The Hero’s Last Jersey?

Pat Tillman, Where Is The Hero’s Last Jersey?

The 20th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks is less than two months away. Hard to believe. A whole generation has grown up, gone to Afghanistan,…

Our Sacred Obligation to the Next Generation

Our Sacred Obligation to the Next Generation

A word like “sacred” coupled with “obligation” cause too many of the Right People™ to recoil in horror. Yet here on the 17th anniversary of 9/11, it…

Photographs & Memories: September 11, 2001 [VIDEO]

Photographs & Memories: September 11, 2001 [VIDEO]

There is something magical about that first, crystalline blue sky that heralds the coming of Fall. You can feel a tangible change in the air, but you’re…

Remembering 9/11: Todd Beamer and the Heroes of Flight 93

Remembering 9/11: Todd Beamer and the Heroes of Flight 93

Forty-six minutes into a flight bound for San Francisco, the passengers and crew aboard United Flight 93 found themselves in a living nightmare. It was the morning…

#September11th:  Remembering The 9/11 Jumpers

#September11th: Remembering The 9/11 Jumpers

It’s been 14 years since the September 11th attacks when 19 Al-Qaeda terrorists hijacked airplanes, slamming them into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, and crashing…

#‎September11: Trakr, Hero Dog of 9/11

#‎September11: Trakr, Hero Dog of 9/11

They say dog is man’s best friend, and sometimes he’s a hero. Those sentiments were forever solidified in the hours and days following the attacks on our…

#Baltimore Will Have the World’s Saddest Baseball Game Ever Played

#Baltimore Will Have the World’s Saddest Baseball Game Ever Played

I am a diehard baseball fan. I love the game, I love the history of the game, and I still think the movie “42” was robbed by…

A Victory Girls 9/11 Collective: Life After 9/11

As I look back at these last 13 years, I can only weep. After more than a decade of war, with the loss of great blood and…

The Victory Girls 9/11 Commemorative Podcast

On this day of remembrance, the Victory Girls would like to debut our new feature – the Victory Girls Podcast. Today’s podcast is in honor of September…

Obama Confirms Killing of al Shaabab Leader In Drone Strike

Yesterday the White House engaged in their latest victory lap in the war on terror via drone strike by announcing that they had confirmed the death of…

A Victory Girls 9/11 Collective:  We Remember, We Are Not Afraid

A Victory Girls 9/11 Collective: We Remember, We Are Not Afraid

Maybe some have been able to move away from that day, but I really haven’t. I remember everything. All the details about everything – even after twelve…


I remember the day 12 years ago when my life truly changed forever.  I will never forget it as long as I live. It was early and…

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Are you interested in writing for Victory Girls? If you’d like to blog about politics and current events from a conservative POV, send us a writing sample here.
Ava Gardner