Hillary Calls 2016 Campaign ‘Traumatic’ And Regrets Saying Stuff [VIDEO]

Hillary Calls 2016 Campaign ‘Traumatic’ And Regrets Saying Stuff [VIDEO]

Hillary Clinton spoke at Rutgers yesterday. Yes, I know. That should be the beginning and end of this blog post, but please bear with me. You see, this particular $25,000 speech contained a few new gems of blame sprinkled amongst the trope she’s been trotting out for nearly two years. 

The Russians Trolled the NFL and Black Lives Matter

The Russians Trolled the NFL and Black Lives Matter

Those pesky Russians are at it again. Reuters reports that Senator James Lankford, (R) Oklahoma, claims that Russian trolls pushed the NFL kneeling story to divide the…

Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch alias Elizabeth Carlisle

Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch alias Elizabeth Carlisle

Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch has described her meeting in a plane on a tarmac in Phoenix with Former President Bill Clinton as “regrettable”. At the time,…

Fake News: Buzzfeed And CNN’s Malicious “Gotcha” Story About Trump Is Falling Apart [VIDEOS]

Fake News: Buzzfeed And CNN’s Malicious “Gotcha” Story About Trump Is Falling Apart [VIDEOS]

When the story broke about the Russians supposedly having compromising information on President-Elect Trump, warning bells starting ringing. It didn’t take much research to find out that…

Is CNN’s Bombshell Story Of Trump Compromised By Russians True? Maybe, Maybe Not [VIDEO]

Is CNN’s Bombshell Story Of Trump Compromised By Russians True? Maybe, Maybe Not [VIDEO]

Earlier today CNN published this bombshell of a story. Basically a “gotcha” on President-Elect Donald Trump. (CNN) Classified documents presented last week to President Obama and President-elect…

Washington Post Doesn’t Correct Fake Story Of Vermont Electric Grid Hack [VIDEOS]

Washington Post Doesn’t Correct Fake Story Of Vermont Electric Grid Hack [VIDEOS]

The Russians hacked our electric grid!! That’s what the geniuses at the Washington Post wanted us to believe on the morning of December 31, 2016. Lets end…

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Ava Gardner