Generation Snowflake Fails at Life [VIDEO]

Generation Snowflake Fails at Life [VIDEO]

Yesterday I wrote about Generation Snowflake’s entitlement mentality. They are entitled to respect. They are not to be criticized. They deserve your consideration, despite having achieved nothing and not having earned a shred of the recognition they’re receiving, advanced by astroturfing, opportunistic gonads who are using these clueless dancing chimps to further their political goals.

Is ‘Stealthing’ really a new sex trend? Is it ‘rape’? Should we care?

Ever on the look out for Men Behaving Badly™, we have this disturbing report from the Left-feminist hook-up crowd But a disturbing new trend described in a…

Bush, Obama, Iraq, and The Blame Game

Like all of us, I have watched the television talking heads and have been reading the liberal blogging pundits, Facebook philosophers, and those brave Twitter hashtag warriors worry and…

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Ava Gardner