Donald Trump Says He Has Chosen His Vice President

Donald Trump Says He Has Chosen His Vice President

Donald Trump has finally chosen who he wants as his Vice President. Except, he hasn’t told the rest of us yet. We can guess it all day, but Trump probably won’t announce it before the convention, which will occur July 15th-18th in Milwaukee.

Why Is Nikki Haley Still Hanging On?

Why Is Nikki Haley Still Hanging On?

Other than the upcoming South Carolina primary on February 24th, I have to ask, why is Nikki Haley still around? Is it to try to save face…

Ten-Hut! Is a General On Trump’s Ticket? [VIDEOS]

Ten-Hut! Is a General On Trump’s Ticket? [VIDEOS]

The Trump Veep rumor mill has been busy again this weekend, and the Man-of-the-Hour this time is retired Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn. General Flynn formerly ran…

Trump 101, Part 2: Trump’s Failure at Deals and the Branding that Saved Him

Trump 101, Part 2: Trump’s Failure at Deals and the Branding that Saved Him

On the campaign trail, Donald Trump has criticized President Obama’s deal with Iran, saying “Obama negotiated this horrible deal with Iran. It’s a bad deal, and when…

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Ava Gardner