Campaign Follies: Progressive Democrat Candidate Maces Self For School Safety [VIDEO]

Campaign Follies: Progressive Democrat Candidate Maces Self For School Safety [VIDEO]

Over the last few years, we’ve seen some weird things happen during political campaigns including Hillary’s fainting spells and coughing fits, Dan Helmer’s ad channeling Top Gun, and that hideous Bradley Manning thing. However, a very progressive Democrat candidate in Colorado unveiled an ad a few days ago that wins the ultimate booby prize. He MACED HIMSELF.

The Criminal Riots At #UCBerkeley Are NOT Freedom’s Flames Of Liberty [VIDEO]

The Criminal Riots At #UCBerkeley Are NOT Freedom’s Flames Of Liberty [VIDEO]

Ferguson, Baltimore, Mizzou, and UC Berkeley. What to they all have in common? Riots. Not protests…RIOTS. The results of which led to millions of dollars in damages,…

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Ava Gardner