Welcome to Biden’s Kabuki Theater starring Hamas

Welcome to Biden’s Kabuki Theater starring Hamas

While the Hamas wing of the Democrat party takes to the streets to unabashedly support the annihilation of Israel, Biden and Shadow President Obama keep playing the…

Pro-Palestinians At The White House Gate

Pro-Palestinians At The White House Gate

Pro-Palestinians marched their way to the gates of the White House this weekend. And then proceeded to act like an insurrectionist by attempting to climb the wall…

Ilhan Omar Just Can’t Add It Up

Ilhan Omar Just Can’t Add It Up

With massive pro-Palestinian protests everywhere, Ilhan Omar continues to be in solidarity with her fellow Squad members on their side of the Israeli-Hamas war.

Rashida Tlaib Issues Aspirational Call For Genocide Against Israel

Rashida Tlaib Issues Aspirational Call For Genocide Against Israel

Fresh from escaping House censure, Rashida Tlaib doubles down on her anti-semitic rhetoric. She claims her stance is “aspirational” on behalf of Palestine.

Columbia University And Unthinkable Antisemitism

Columbia University And Unthinkable Antisemitism

Well over 100 faculty members of Columbia University and Barnard College signed a letter “in defense of robust debate” about the issue war regarding the attack on…

Construction Workers: Paulie Is The King Of Queens

Construction Workers: Paulie Is The King Of Queens

Say what you will about New York City construction workers. Today, we tip our hard hats to Paulie.

Writers Guild Breaks Silence On Israel-Hamas War: Is It Too Late?

Writers Guild Breaks Silence On Israel-Hamas War: Is It Too Late?

The Writers Guild of America (WGAW) was not silent on #MeToo. Nor were they silent on the Black Lives Matter protests. What have they been silent on?…

Ilhan Omar’s Day Of Rage

Ilhan Omar’s Day Of Rage

We know every day can potentially be a day of rage for Ilhan Omar. We also know the Internet is forever. What else do we know? When…

Gaza Hospital Bombing Tweet By Rashida Tlaib Drags Joe Biden

Gaza Hospital Bombing Tweet By Rashida Tlaib Drags Joe Biden

All y’all will be wearing your shocked faces when I tell you that a Baptist hospital was “allegedly” bombed yesterday in Palestine and Congresscritter Rashida Tlaib (D-MI)…

Hamas Terrorists Rewarded With “Pay For Slay” Funds From Palestine

Hamas Terrorists Rewarded With “Pay For Slay” Funds From Palestine

Hamas terrorists and/or their families are getting paid handsomely for their actions. Palestine’s “pay for slay” reward system is in full effect.

Joe Announces Israel Trip As Jewish Protesters Block White House

Joe Announces Israel Trip As Jewish Protesters Block White House

Jewish protesters blocked entrances to the White House as Joe Biden announced a trip to Israel on Wednesday. It’s always a good idea to store extra food…

Starbucks Union Employees Support Palestine

Starbucks Union Employees Support Palestine

I am absolutely gobsmacked. I always check to see what we Victory Girls have written about a subject in the past to see if there is anything…

Rashida Tlaib Pleads For Lives In Gaza

Rashida Tlaib Pleads For Lives In Gaza

Rashida Tlaib is at it again, now pleading for lives to be spared in Gaza. Tlaib, an open supporter of Palestine, voiced her concern after seeing a…

Biden Sent COVID Relief Funds To Palestine

Biden Sent COVID Relief Funds To Palestine

At this point the idiocy of Joe Biden and his entire does not shock or surprise. So, it should come as no jarring news that our president…

Day Of Rage Wasn’t Yesterday, But It Could Be Tomorrow

Day Of Rage Wasn’t Yesterday, But It Could Be Tomorrow

The Day of Rage called for by Khaled Meshaal in specifically Muslim countries for Friday the Thirteenth didn’t really amount to anything. Egypt, Jordan, Syria and all…

Saudi Crown Prince and Iranian President Hold Phone Chat

Saudi Crown Prince and Iranian President Hold Phone Chat

Speculation has swirled that Hamas brutally attacked Israeli citizens in order to derail possible normalization between Israel and Saudi Arabia. A 45-minute phone call between Saudi Crown…

BLM Chicago Doubles Down On Supporting Hamas Terrorists

BLM Chicago Doubles Down On Supporting Hamas Terrorists

Yesterday, the BLM Chicago chapter sent out an atrocious message on X supporting Hamas and Palestine overall.

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Ava Gardner