Bill Cosby: From Wholesome TV Dad to Serial Rapist?

This past week the hair stood up on our collective necks as Amy recounted the disgusting tale of “Mama June” Shannon — famous for nothing other than…

Melissa Harris-Perry and her Merry Band of MSNBC Comedians call Mitt Romney’s Grandson “Token”

MSNBC racist Talking Tampon Head, Melissa Harris-Perry is, again, at the top of her intellectual game.  This time she and her panel of comedians aren’t content with…

Top 10 Unhinged Reactions to the Arizona Shooting (Plus Hanoi Jane)

Top 10 Unhinged Reactions to the Arizona Shooting (Plus Hanoi Jane)

Originally posted at David Horowitz’s Newsreal: Last weekend, we all watched in horror as news of a horrific tragedy played across our television screens. A psychotic gunman…

NPR’s Nina Totenberg Apologizes for Christmas

I guess the need to be invited to all the DC Vichy parties is greater then I thought. This from Newsbusters: Totenberg’s bashfulness came as she explained…

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Ava Gardner