Harry And Meghan Violate Megxit To Promote Her Aspirations

Harry And Meghan Violate Megxit To Promote Her Aspirations

Will no one rid us of these tiresome royals? I know you are thinking about the debate tonight and wondering what Orange Man Bad scandal will the failing New York Times dream up for Thursday. You are wondering why on Earth is Toni writing about the Sussexes when so much is on the line? It’s simple. While it may be laughable, Meghan Markle has political aspirations here in the United States. Go ahead and laugh, but it’s true. Harry has become nothing but an uncomfortable looking prop for Markle.

Harry And Meghan Give Queen Royal Pains #Megxit

Harry And Meghan Give Queen Royal Pains #Megxit

Poor Queen Elizabeth. When I think of the British Sovereign, I think of Shakespeare’s King Henry, “Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.” As if she…

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Ava Gardner