Apologizing For Being Christian

Apologizing For Being Christian

The trend to apologize for being Christian is still happening, thanks to the mob. One of the mob’s leaders, Megan Rapinoe, is at the bully pulpit again and whipping up her cult members to throw shade and hate at Christians.

Megan Rapinoe, TransCult Handmaid

Megan Rapinoe, TransCult Handmaid

The pastel-haired, loudmouth, anti-woman Megan Rapinoe is this year’s shining example of why extraordinary talent at kicking a ball down a field should never be the trait…

Women’s Soccer Team Loses; Patriots Cheer

Women’s Soccer Team Loses; Patriots Cheer

The United States Women’s Soccer team lost to Canada 1-0 at the Tokyo Olympics. The best the high-kicking, female athletes can hope for now is a Bronze…

Victoria’s Secret Angels Hanging Up Their Wings

Victoria’s Secret Angels Hanging Up Their Wings

Say farewell to the Victoria’s Secret angels, those statuesque models who traversed runways wearing outlandish wings and frilly lingerie. They soon will be history, because the company…

Megan Rapinoe Disrespects America With Her Selfishness

Megan Rapinoe Disrespects America With Her Selfishness

With the well-earned success of the Women’s Soccer Team in France, Megan Rapinoe has been much in the news. Soccer fans are focused on the goals and…

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Ava Gardner