Failing Our Children: What Are Our Children Learning From #Parkland Shooting Response [VIDEO]

Failing Our Children: What Are Our Children Learning From #Parkland Shooting Response [VIDEO]

The tragedy of the Parkland school shooting has been compounded by the finger-pointing and political grandstanding by the media, politicians, and people who just can’t seem to…

The Stupidity of Gun Grabbers

The Stupidity of Gun Grabbers

Coverage of the school shooting in Florida has been copious and sometimes hysterical. The left has immediately begun its clarion call for more gun control, while the…

Could The FBI Have Actually Prevented The #ParklandSchoolShooting? [VIDEO]

Could The FBI Have Actually Prevented The #ParklandSchoolShooting? [VIDEO]

The big question that always comes to everyone’s mind after a horrific crime like the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School is: could this have…

A Sheepdog’s Courage: Aaron Feis Stood Between Shooter And Students [VIDEO]

A Sheepdog’s Courage: Aaron Feis Stood Between Shooter And Students [VIDEO]

Someone who listened, who knew when to be a friend and when to be an authority figure. Someone who was there when you needed a shoulder to…

Let Parkland mourn and don’t use their grief to push an agenda

Let Parkland mourn and don’t use their grief to push an agenda

Parkland Florida needs to mourn the murdered and injured. They don’t need media and agenda-driven jackals all over the place.

#SchoolShooter Nikolaus Cruz Fell Through Many Cracks

#SchoolShooter Nikolaus Cruz Fell Through Many Cracks

Yesterday, Victory Girls’ Deanna Fisher gave you the winners of The Ghoul Olympics, those who ran to the cameras to blame Republicans, guns and the NRA while…

The Ghoul Olympics [VIDEO]

The Ghoul Olympics [VIDEO]

Broward County, Florida, is reeling from the attack on Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School today, and the loss of at least 17 precious lives at the hand…

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Ava Gardner