A Biden Lie So Big Even The Fact-Checkers Had To Admit It

A Biden Lie So Big Even The Fact-Checkers Had To Admit It

Well, it finally happened, everyone. Joe Biden told a lie so big that even the fact-checkers, who usually cover for him, couldn’t spin it.

Fools And Money: Peter Strzok Is Raking In Cash Via GoFundMe

Fools And Money: Peter Strzok Is Raking In Cash Via GoFundMe

“A fool and his money are soon parted” must be the informal motto of GoFundMe, the website that allows regular people to “crowdfund” – meaning fundraise off…

Trump Campaign Manager Corey Lewandowski Charged With Battery (VIDEO)

Trump Campaign Manager Corey Lewandowski Charged With Battery (VIDEO)

By now, everyone has heard the story. According to witnesses, Donald Trump’s campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, yanked the arm of former Breitbart reporter Michelle Fields hard enough…

Dental Plans Were Included in Obamacare Totals to Hit Target Goals

What? They deliberately inflated numbers and were less than transparent? Why, this has never happened before regarding Obamacare! Yes, my sarcasm meter is broken again. The Obama…

Never Lie To A Father Holding A Gun

This tragic story out of Texas yesterday was so horrible that it has taken me a while to process how I felt about it. To sum it…

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Ava Gardner