Jerry Falwell, Jr., President of Liberty University, hearts Donald Trump. He publicly endorsed him earlier this year, bypassing other practicing Christian candidates like Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Rick Santorum, Mike Huckabee, or Jeb Bush, for The Donald. You know, the guy who thinks “Two Corinthians” is a book in the Bible, and who doesn’t think he needs Christ’s forgiveness.

Apparently Jerry Jr., who is an attorney and not a pastor, thinks that Trump is qualified to be a fit candidate for evangelicals because he throws money at Christian groups, as he explained on the FoxNews program moderated by fellow Trump lickspittle, Sean Hannity.
So Jerry Jr. and his wifey were thrilled to meet with their Orange Crush yesterday at a an evangelical summit yesterday. They had their picture taken with him in his very own office with the Ain’t I Great walls!
Honored to introduce @realDonaldTrump at religious leader summit in NYC today! He did incredible job! @beckifalwell
— J L Falwell (@JerryJrFalwell) June 21, 2016
Oh, but what is that in the background?
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