Kayleigh McEnany And The White Supremacy Issue

Kayleigh McEnany And The White Supremacy Issue

If the media ever wonders why we despise them so much, all they have to do is look in the mirror. Today, the press briefing with Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany was Exhibit One on why the media is considered despicable cretins. McEnany was asked for the 735,459th time to denounce white supremacy on behalf of the President. The only fun part was watching Fox News’ John Robert kvetch about the Twitter backlash after.

Rand Paul Versus John Roberts And The Deep State

Rand Paul Versus John Roberts And The Deep State

Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) tried, two times over the last two days, to ask the essential question of this sham Impeachment Trial. There is one question that…

John Roberts Drops Hammer on Squabbling

John Roberts Drops Hammer on Squabbling

Perhaps the hour was so late that everyone was getting irritable and combative. But after the midnight hour, Chief Justice John Roberts finally had it up to…

CNN Gets Spanked by White House for Bad Behavior. [VIDEO]

CNN Gets Spanked by White House for Bad Behavior. [VIDEO]

It’s not exactly news that President Trump and CNN despise each other. But then tensions between the two really heated up over the weekend. In case you…

#SCOTUS: Justice Scalia Smacks Down the Majority in his Dissent

Today’s ruling by the Supreme Court in support of the legal travesty known as the Affordable Care Act found me driving in my car, listening to the radio as I…

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Ava Gardner