Lois Lerner Will Not Face Contempt Charges in IRS Probe (Video)

Lois Lerner Will Not Face Contempt Charges in IRS Probe (Video)

If you were eager to see IRS official Lois Lerner behind bars for contempt charges, be prepared for a big disappointment. The Justice Department has just announced…

#BenghaziCommittee Hearing: Rep. Jim Jordan Nails Hillary on “Internet Video” Lie [VIDEO]

#BenghaziCommittee Hearing: Rep. Jim Jordan Nails Hillary on “Internet Video” Lie [VIDEO]

During what has proved to be telling testimony coming from a rather disinterested and visibly annoyed former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton during today’s House Benghazi Hearing,…

Liberty Fight Club: Who is “The Freedom Caucus?”

Liberty Fight Club: Who is “The Freedom Caucus?”

The House Freedom Caucus has been credited, and blamed, for the unexpected resignation of John Boehner, a welcome departure reflecting the voices of upwards of sixty percent…

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Ava Gardner