Jim Acosta Thinks Trump Supporters are Really, Really Icky. [VIDEO]

Jim Acosta Thinks Trump Supporters are Really, Really Icky. [VIDEO]

I’ll be honest here — I don’t particularly like watching Trump rallies on TV. I keep expecting Russell Crowe to jump on stage in gladiator gear, yelling…

CNN Gets Spanked by White House for Bad Behavior. [VIDEO]

CNN Gets Spanked by White House for Bad Behavior. [VIDEO]

It’s not exactly news that President Trump and CNN despise each other. But then tensions between the two really heated up over the weekend. In case you…

#Shutdown: Who Gets a Dilly Dilly? Who Deserves the Pit of Misery? [VIDEO]

#Shutdown: Who Gets a Dilly Dilly? Who Deserves the Pit of Misery? [VIDEO]

Both the House and the Senate decided to convene over the weekend to somehow keep the government open come Monday. Instead, it turned into a Blame Game…

“Cosmopolitan” Jim Acosta Clashes With Stephen Miller Over Statue Of Liberty At WH Briefing [VIDEO]

“Cosmopolitan” Jim Acosta Clashes With Stephen Miller Over Statue Of Liberty At WH Briefing [VIDEO]

President Trump unveiled his new immigration policy today. Reforming American Immigration for Strong Employment Act, or RAISE, put forth by Tom Cotton (R-AR) and David Perdue (R-GA)…

Are You Not Entertained? Fox News’ Neil Cavuto Slices and Dices CNN [VIDEOS]

Are You Not Entertained? Fox News’ Neil Cavuto Slices and Dices CNN [VIDEOS]

Payback’s a bitch, isn’t it, CNN? CNN and its cohorts in the mainstream media had their collective panties in a wad after This Happened. President-elect Donald Trump…

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Ava Gardner