Did Arlington Play Politics With Abbey Gate Gold Star Families?

Did Arlington Play Politics With Abbey Gate Gold Star Families?

Something stinks here, and it smells like a cover-up. But not the kind of cover-up you think. As we now know, the media is driving a story…

Andy Beshear, Pious KY Governor, Wishes Rape On Vance Family

Andy Beshear, Pious KY Governor, Wishes Rape On Vance Family

Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear got a primetime speaking slot at the DNC last night. Why? Because he was on the short list for vice president for Kamala…

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Mimosa, Bloody Mary, nice flute of champagne — or maybe a favorite tipple in your coffee. Make yourself one and join me at our own Algonquin Round…

Marcotte: Why Trump Hates Kamala’s Laugh

Marcotte: Why Trump Hates Kamala’s Laugh

Salon‘s Amanda Marcotte never ceases to disappoint with her uncontrollable TDS and theories. In this screed, Marcotte delves into the “dark truth” behind Trump’s hatred of presidential…

JD Vance Being Weird And Childless Cat Ladies

JD Vance Being Weird And Childless Cat Ladies

When is being weird an insult? I thought the leftists loved being weird. But now they are using it as a derogatory term for JD Vance. And…

The Left: Conformity and Rejecting Normal as Weird

The Left: Conformity and Rejecting Normal as Weird

A modern Diogenes wouldn’t be asking for the last honest man, but for the last actual liberal in the Democrat party. Liberals have few issues with normal,…

LGBTQ Plus Americans Put Their Eyes On JD Vance

LGBTQ Plus Americans Put Their Eyes On JD Vance

JD Vance appears to be the new punching bag for the LGBTQ Plus Americans since he was named as Trump’s Vice President. Get ready for a new…

Congrats, JD Vance! The New York Times Has Slimed You!

Congrats, JD Vance! The New York Times Has Slimed You!

Conservatives know they have arrived when some of the more – shall we say eminent? – Gray Lady scribblers deign to take the time to toss toxic…

J.D. Vance At The RNC: “Tonight Is A Night Of Hope”

J.D. Vance At The RNC: “Tonight Is A Night Of Hope”

The third night at the Republican National Convention was a big one. Not only did it have some profound emotional moments, like the recognition of the Abbey…

JD Vance wins the Veepstakes — Let the Leftwing attacks begin

JD Vance wins the Veepstakes — Let the Leftwing attacks begin

The news that Donald Trump has picked JD Vance as his running mate is now the ‘old news’ of an or so hour ago. And faster than…

Donald Trump Says He Has Chosen His Vice President

Donald Trump Says He Has Chosen His Vice President

Donald Trump has finally chosen who he wants as his Vice President. Except, he hasn’t told the rest of us yet. We can guess it all day,…

Norfolk Southern: Too Much Greed and Too Little Care

Norfolk Southern: Too Much Greed and Too Little Care

Love them or hate them: the New York Times and other media have revealed how much Norfolk Southern cared about profits and how little the railroad cared about…

Ohio Primary: Vance Pulls Ahead With Trump Backing

Ohio Primary: Vance Pulls Ahead With Trump Backing

In the end, it wasn’t even terribly close.

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Ava Gardner