Anonymous Warns of ISIS Attacks; Brussels Goes into Lockdown (video)

Anonymous Warns of ISIS Attacks; Brussels Goes into Lockdown (video)

Yesterday the hacktivist group Anonymous released this ominous message on Twitter, warning of impending ISIS attacks to occur on Sunday. #ISIS planning attacks in Paris, US, other…

Anonymous Rick Rolls ISIS (videos)

Anonymous Rick Rolls ISIS (videos)

While Barack Obama dithers, the hacktivist group Anonymous has taken the fight to ISIS in their own unique way, by shutting down 5000 of their social media…

Obama Says Refugees Are “No More Dangerous Than Tourists”

The hits just keep on coming from POTUS. At a summit in the Philippines on Thursday, President Obama said that Syrian refugees aren’t more of a “threat”…

America’s Doors Should Be Open-But Not To Iraqi Christians?!

America’s Doors Should Be Open-But Not To Iraqi Christians?!

While the Syrian refugee debate kicks into high gear in the nations capitol, it seems that one group fleeing persecution is escaping the attention of the mainstream…

Hostages Held in Bamako, Mali, Africa

Hostages Held in Bamako, Mali, Africa

Early Friday morning, gunmen, shouting “Allahu Akbar” or “God is Great” stormed a luxury Radisson Hotel in the capital of Bamako in Mali on the African continent….

Confirmed: Mastermind Of Paris Attacks Dead

Yesterday, a raid on an apartment in a Paris suburb resulted in the death of the “mastermind” of the attacks last Friday. It is now confirmed that…

New ISIS Video Threatens New York City

New ISIS Video Threatens New York City

In the wake of the Friday the 13th attacks on the beautiful French capital of Paris, Isis has released a video threatening the greatest city in the…

White House Launches #RefugeesWelcome Hashtag

White House Launches #RefugeesWelcome Hashtag

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that our “fearless” leaders no longer communicate with the people of our country (nor do they care), The…

Passport Belonging To Suicide Bomber Shows Up In Serbia

Honestly, should anyone really be surprised? The Syrian passport that was found on one of the Paris suicide bombers has just turned up in Serbia. Same name,…

John Kerry Claims Charlie Hebdo Massacre Had A “Rationale”

John Kerry Claims Charlie Hebdo Massacre Had A “Rationale”

We all know Secretary of State John Kerry’s foreign policies when it comes to France-remember James Taylor and the hug as the apology for not attending the march…

#SyrianRefugees: Obama’s Pal, CO Gov Hickenlooper Has Open Door Policy

#SyrianRefugees: Obama’s Pal, CO Gov Hickenlooper Has Open Door Policy

In the wake of the terrorist attacks in Paris, several countries are rethinking their open arms policy for refugees. Not so the United States. Our Duffer-In-Chief is…

#SyrianRefugees: Governors Refusing Refugees Grows to 26 as Congress Moves to Halt Program

#SyrianRefugees: Governors Refusing Refugees Grows to 26 as Congress Moves to Halt Program

On the heels of the Paris attack just days ago, ISIS Daesh has vowed to attack the United States in a similarly horrific fashion. And we should…

Suicide Bomber’s Mother Claims Stress Made Her Son Blow Up

Suicide Bomber’s Mother Claims Stress Made Her Son Blow Up

Denial is apparently alive and well in the Molenbeek neighborhood of Brussels, where Ibrahim Abdeslam’s mother just can’t understand why her son would blow himself up. Even…

Warrant Issued For Paris Terror Suspect

Little by little, we are learning about who the attackers were on November 13th in Paris. French authorities are now actively searching for one man, one of…

France Strikes Back At ISIS

Less than 48 hours after the attacks that killed 129 innocent people in Paris, the French have, for all intents and purposes, declared war on ISIS. Attack…

Article Speculates Paris Terror Attacks Are Due In Part to “Violent Language” From The Right

As if hearing a group of college kids praise Quentin Tarantino’s cop-hating antics whilst sipping my IPA last night and traipsing through a neighborhood to find a…

#Mizzou Protestors Mad Because #ParisAttacks Stole Their Spotlight

#Mizzou Protestors Mad Because #ParisAttacks Stole Their Spotlight

For the citizens of Paris, Friday the 13th truly lived up to its name. Today they are reeling from the horrific attacks that claimed 127 lives. No…

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Ava Gardner