Dental Plans Were Included in Obamacare Totals to Hit Target Goals

What? They deliberately inflated numbers and were less than transparent? Why, this has never happened before regarding Obamacare! Yes, my sarcasm meter is broken again. The Obama…

Mr. Stompyfeet and the albatross

“We have to pass it to find out what’s in it.”  Like a stool sample. Last week, Obama said the debate over Obamacare was over.  He went…

Obamacare – Deadline Monday, Last-Minute Changes, Disaster Imminent

Monday the 23rd is the “official” deadline to sign up for health insurance coverage that will begin January 1st. However, this week had some more “tweaks” by…

Obamacare in the States – Not The Success Story You May Think It Is

At the beginning of the month, in a desperate attempt to deflect criticism over the national site, Washington state insurance commissioner Mike Kriedler testified in front…

Cancer Patient Tells the Truth About Losing His Insurance, And Then Gets Audited

Bill Elliot came forward with his story in the beginning of November, when the Obamacare stories were beginning to shift from the website debacle to the personal…

“We Fumbled the Roll-Out” – Obama’s Damage Control at the Press Conference

President Obama gave a midday press conference today at the White House on the continuing drama of the website, and the blowback from the American public…

President Obama’s Non-Apology Apology

None of the numbers are good.  Not the enrollment numbers for Obamacare, not the president’s job approval numbers, and definitely not the number of stories that are…

Obamacare, Five Weeks Later – the Pain is Spreading

Kathleen Sebelius finally testified in front of Congress, and her entire testimony was “Oops.  My bad.  We’ll fix it.  And no, I have no idea how many…

The Obamacare Monster is Alive – Are You Prepared For What is Coming?

Like Frankenstein’s monster, Obamacare goes live today.  The behemoth will be alive, and it will take a lot of undoing to ever go back. The upshot is…

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Ava Gardner