Chest Binders: Every School Counselor Has One

Chest Binders: Every School Counselor Has One

Imagine having a trans girl to boy who wants a chest binder. You love your child so much that you want them to think through this decision. Now, imagine a school counselor stepping in and giving your child a chest binder without your knowledge.

Salon Strikes Again: Gun Violence An Epidemic In This Country

Salon Strikes Again: Gun Violence An Epidemic In This Country

Leave it to Salon to perpetuate the narrative yet again. The rhetorical question they ask today? Are mass shootings an epidemic?

Rand Paul Questions HHS Transgender Nominee’s Stance On Puberty Blockers

Rand Paul Questions HHS Transgender Nominee’s Stance On Puberty Blockers

Rand Paul wanted to know what Rachel Levine’s stance on puberty blockers was. Levine, the current director of Pennsylvania’s Department of Health, provided this answer.

Child Abuse: Court Gives Custody To Mother Who Insists Eight Year Old Son Is Female

Child Abuse: Court Gives Custody To Mother Who Insists Eight Year Old Son Is Female

A mother who insists her son is a girl and plans to transition the child against the father’s objections was given custody by a Dallas jury yesterday….

Trans v Parents: First grader investigated for “pronoun mishap”

Trans v Parents: First grader investigated for “pronoun mishap”

Last week the story of a teacher holding a transgender transition ceremony for kindergartners made the news. How young is too young to introduce a child to…

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Ava Gardner