Buh-Bye! RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel Will Step Down After SC Primary

Buh-Bye! RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel Will Step Down After SC Primary

Buh-Bye! Quite honestly, Ronna McDaniel should never have been re-elected RNC Chair in the first place. Now, after some stellar reporting, specifically from RedState’s Jen Van Laar, Ronna finally got a clue.

Oliver North Out As NRA President Amid Financial Finger-Pointing

Oliver North Out As NRA President Amid Financial Finger-Pointing

It’s been a day at the NRA Annual Meeting weekend. Oliver North, who was serving as NRA president, got into a pretty big disagreement with NRA vice-president…

It’s On: Palin Brings Libel Lawsuit Against New York Times [VIDEO]

It’s On: Palin Brings Libel Lawsuit Against New York Times [VIDEO]

The papers are filed, and Sarah Palin is taking on the New York Times after their disgusting op-ed (and itty bitty teeny tiny correction) after the Alexandria…

Marco Rubio’s Luxury Speedboat? It’s Really a Fishing Boat

Senator Marco Rubio fired back at the New York Times for excoriating him over his finances when the newspaper reported that the Republican candidate purchased a “luxury speedboat” for $80K….

Poor, Broke, Scrimping Hillary Clinton is JUST Like You!

Poor, Broke, Scrimping Hillary Clinton is JUST Like You!

Hillary Clinton, in her pre-presidential campaign book promotion tour, claims to Diane Sawyer that when they left the White House, they were “dead broke and in debt.”…

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