John Fetterman Is Taking His Job Seriously

John Fetterman Is Taking His Job Seriously

John Fetterman, the Democrat Pennsylvania Senator, seems to be the only Democrat who takes the job of representation seriously. He’s busy meeting with Donald Trump’s cabinet picks so he can make an informed decision. Huh. How about that?

The Shameful Hysteria Over Trump’s Supposedly Fascist MSG Rally

The Shameful Hysteria Over Trump’s Supposedly Fascist MSG Rally

The media and others are in a race to see who goes further in their shameful hysteria over President Trump having the audacity to hold a rally…

Fascist Fail: Kamala’s Last Ditch Argument Is Falling Flat

Fascist Fail: Kamala’s Last Ditch Argument Is Falling Flat

Where, exactly, can Kamala Harris and the rest of the campaign go from the “Trump is a fascist and Orange Hitler” argument if it fails to convince…

Kamala Tosses Up Word Salads For Her CNN Town Hall

Kamala Tosses Up Word Salads For Her CNN Town Hall

There is a reason that Kamala Harris never made it to a primary election during her 2020 presidential campaign, and her CNN town hall proved yet again…

Roundup Time: More Lefty Screams About Teh Fascist

Roundup Time: More Lefty Screams About Teh Fascist

Recent events and the Very.Important.Beautiful.People who hate them reveals, yet again, that no matter the issue with the Left, it is never actually about the issue.

Support Trump? You’ll Go On The List

Support Trump? You’ll Go On The List

A list is being compiled by Democrats. What kind of list? A list of anyone and everyone who is or has supported President Donald J. Trump.

Murder of Trump Supporters Is Fine From “Moral Perspective”

Murder of Trump Supporters Is Fine From “Moral Perspective”

Murder of a Trump supporter is absolutely fine.according to Erik Loomis, a history professor.

Hillary Hulu Documentary Throws Obama Under The Bus

Hillary Hulu Documentary Throws Obama Under The Bus

The “Hillary” Hulu documentary debuted at Sundance this weekend. The newest tidbit from this gushing doc is that Obama called President Trump a fascist.

Origins Game Fair Caves to SJZ Brownshirts

Origins Game Fair Caves to SJZ Brownshirts

Yesterday NYT bestselling author Larry Correia was excited to announce that he had been invited to Origins Game Fair as a Guest of Honor, along with game…

The Nazi Binary, Berkeley, and the “White-Supremacist” Ben Shapiro

The Nazi Binary, Berkeley, and the “White-Supremacist” Ben Shapiro

Most Bay Area locals automatically assume that other Bay Area locals are liberals. As a Bay Area resident, I’m usually tempted to let said locals assume as…

#Charlottesville: Vehicle Plows Into Protestors, One Dead And 19 Injured [VIDEO]

#Charlottesville: Vehicle Plows Into Protestors, One Dead And 19 Injured [VIDEO]

As part of the continuing effort to erase history instead of learning from it, the city of Charlottesville, Virginia voted to remove a statue of Robert E….

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Ava Gardner