Throat Punch:  Sen. Mitch McConnell says “Raising Taxes is the Holy Grail of Liberalism”.   (Video)

Throat Punch: Sen. Mitch McConnell says “Raising Taxes is the Holy Grail of Liberalism”. (Video)

I generally think Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is worthless, but today while speaking on the floor of the Senate about the approaching Fiscal Cliff, he had a…

“Fiscal Cliff” 101:  What is the Fiscal Cliff and What’s Going to Happen?

“Fiscal Cliff” 101: What is the Fiscal Cliff and What’s Going to Happen?

In the 1991 movie “Thelma and Louise”, things didn’t end all that well for them. You’ll remember that they drove off a cliff in a desperate effort…

The Election’s Over So Let The Mass Layoffs Begin!

The election was three days days ago (only 3 days?!?) and in the last 48 hours, the following major corporations have announced layoffs all across the United…

How Shocking: Labor Department to Delay Jobs Report Until After the Election

Never let a good crisis go to waste, right? And the crisis at hand is Hurricane Sandy. It’s only a little over a week until the election,…

Women Push Romney Into the Lead; Feminists Crushed

Romney has suddenly surged into the lead in swing states, thanks largely in part to women voters. This, of course, is just terrible for feminists, who are…

Did Obama Manipulate Today’s Job Report Because of the Election?

Did the Obama Regime manipulate the September jobs data to protect his re-election bid? According to the Administration the unemployment rate fell below 8 percent in September…

Delusional Harry Reid

Delusional Harry Reid

Hey, did you know that Harry Reid saved the world?? He’s helped Barack Obama add $3 trillion in new debt in two years. It’s a miracle!! Hat…

Union thugs attack construction workers with bats at Toys R Us

There’s a reason we call them union thugs. There’s a reason unions have such a bad name. Here’s a prime example: union workers were protesting at the…

Chris Dodd: “No one will know until this is actually in place how it works.”

The key to Democrat legislation, folks. Shove crap bills through Congress without bothering to read them, and then blame Boosh and the Rethuglicans when it doesn’t work….

431,000 new jobs in May; only 41,000 are in the private sector

We have some good news for the month of May — or so Obama would like you to believe. The unemployment rate is “down” to 9.7%, and…

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Ava Gardner