AMLO On 60 Minutes: Meet My Demands Or Get More Migrants

AMLO On 60 Minutes: Meet My Demands Or Get More Migrants

The president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, popularly known by his initials as AMLO, may be on his way out of the presidency due to Mexican law, but not before he tries to openly blackmail the Biden administration in regards to the southern border.

Ron DeSantis Goes To The Southern Border

Ron DeSantis Goes To The Southern Border

Governor Ron DeSantis may be behind Donald Trump in the polls, but we have a long way to go in this election season, and he is busy…

General Milley Motivates at the Press Conference

General Milley Motivates at the Press Conference

There are times in life when a few words have a big impact. Today, during the White House coronavirus press conference, Army General Milley gave us that…

Mexico Ambush Proves Why We Need A Wall

Mexico Ambush Proves Why We Need A Wall

The news out of Mexico about the slaughter of multiple Americans, including children, likely by organized crime, is gut-churning.

Obama blames America again and Weekend Links!

Barack Obama’s dislike for America seems to escalate every time he’s on foreign soil. It’s remarkable actually. Yesterday, while speaking to Mexican University students, he basically said…

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Ava Gardner