Happy When it Rains, All Dems 2020

Happy When it Rains, All Dems 2020

“Happy” is an emotion that has left the Democrat’s platform, if it ever truly existed in the first place. “Doom and Gloom” is their best feature. Using their Green New Deal approved blow dart guns and MSM armor they seek to destroy everything positive or hopeful 

Lying Fauxcahontas Last Stand

Lying Fauxcahontas Last Stand

Lying Lizzy Warren tells tall tales at the Democratic convention. At first glance her embellished and polished stories look like authentic goods. But upon closer inspection her…

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Snubs Biden, Endorses Bernie

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Snubs Biden, Endorses Bernie

The DNC Convention has moved from smooth protest jazz to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez endorsing Bernie over Biden. Never mind Michelle’s blatant untruths, AOC used her sixty plus second…

#DNC2020: Squad Member Ayanna Pressley Applauds Rioting Thugs For “Rising Up”

#DNC2020: Squad Member Ayanna Pressley Applauds Rioting Thugs For “Rising Up”

Rioting thugs rise up! That’s the rallying call from Squad member Ayanna Pressly at tonight’s smooth jazz DNC convention.

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Ava Gardner