MSNBC Viewers May Need An Intervention.

MSNBC Viewers May Need An Intervention.

If you know anyone who has watched Morning Joe or Rachel Maddow on MSNBC for serious political commentary, they may be entitled to an intervention.

Giselle Has Known For Years Fetterman Is Severely Depressed

Giselle Has Known For Years Fetterman Is Severely Depressed

Now we know it’s true. Giselle Fetterman has known from the very beginning of their relationship that John Fetterman is severely depressed.

Fetterman’s Remarks At Hearing Are Alarming And Sad

Fetterman’s Remarks At Hearing Are Alarming And Sad

John Fetterman returned to work at the U.S. Senate this week, and already there are problems.

Salon Strikes Again: Gun Violence An Epidemic In This Country

Salon Strikes Again: Gun Violence An Epidemic In This Country

Leave it to Salon to perpetuate the narrative yet again. The rhetorical question they ask today? Are mass shootings an epidemic?

On Contentedness

On Contentedness

As the public conversation has turned to depression and suicide, and the lesser plagues of unhappiness and discontent, I have been troubled by the misunderstanding caused by…

Anthony Bourdain Dead, And Thoughts On Mental Health [VIDEO]

Anthony Bourdain Dead, And Thoughts On Mental Health [VIDEO]

The news broke early this morning that celebrity chef, TV star, and travel host Anthony Bourdain had committed suicide while working on his latest TV show in…

Giving Kids The Room To Fail

Giving Kids The Room To Fail

An article in today’s Wall Street Journal is talking about something we all know about – the “Overprotected American Child.” Even if you are not raising small…

Frank Discussion About Social Isolation #ParklandSchoolShooting

Frank Discussion About Social Isolation #ParklandSchoolShooting

I am ashamed. I am one of those emotional Mama Bear types whose first reaction to the news that Nikolas Cruz – the mass murderer in the…

Guns in Schools Redux

Guns in Schools Redux

In case you’ve been living under a rock for the past week, there was a school shooting in western Kentucky that wounded 16 people, including two fatally….

Spin Cycle Begins As The Left Tries To Explain Away Trump Dossier Funding [VIDEO]

Spin Cycle Begins As The Left Tries To Explain Away Trump Dossier Funding [VIDEO]

What? What’s that you say? The Clinton campaign and the DNC paid for that opposition research that most media outlets ignored until Buzzfeed just couldn’t pass it…

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Ava Gardner