Sore Losers: Recount Lunacy, Rogue Electors, and Making John Kasich President

Sore Losers: Recount Lunacy, Rogue Electors, and Making John Kasich President

As Jill “Scammer” Stein continues her assault on our nation’s democratic voting system and tries to hold us all hostage to her unproven claims of voting irregularities—while…

#Brexit: Britain Votes Leave, Cameron Resigns, What Next? [VIDEOS]

#Brexit: Britain Votes Leave, Cameron Resigns, What Next? [VIDEOS]

In a move that many truly didn’t think would happen, British citizens cast their votes in favor of leaving the European Union. The voter turnout was one…

Obama’s Transformation Of America: Not The Change We Need

Obama’s Transformation Of America: Not The Change We Need

In 2008 a certain Presidential candidate by the name of Barack Obama announced his plan for this Republic. Actually it wasn’t a plan, it was more of…

#SCOTUS Rules In Favor of Same Sex Marriage With 5-4 Vote

All hail Emperor Anthony Kennedy. Actually, that isn’t completely fair. With the way the Supreme Court has been ruling lately, we, in truth if not in name,…

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Ava Gardner