Eric Holder’s DOJ Charged With Nepotism

The Executive Director of the INTERPOL office at the Department of Justice has been caught using his position to secure jobs for his son and three of…

Mexican Government Pays U.S. To Keep Illegal Immigrants In The U.S.

With the importation of various diseases into the U.S. over the past year, the most recent and controversial being the case of Ebola brought in by Thomas…

Former Dem Congressman Arrested in Zimbabwe on Porn Charges

Former Democrat congressman from Illinois Mel Reynolds was arrested in Zimbabwe after police found out that he had racked up almost $25,000 in unpaid hotel bills and…

The Sochi Winter Olympics – Dangerous Water, Pillows, and maybe Sports

Yesterday the sports part officially got started in Sochi, the site of the 2014 Winter Olympics.  There is now team figure skating (I have no idea what…

Obama “Worship Syndrome” Hits Fever Pitch

Well, the very awesome Ben Shapiro calls it a “syndrome”.  But I call it “delusional mental illness with more than a touch of racism, willful ignorance and…

The Price We All Will Pay

Today I have no “breaking” story to link or Al Gore hypocrisy to blog.  I will not be quoting a talking head, liberal or conservative.  All the…

Be Prepared or Be A Victim

Be Prepared or Be A Victim

I have a love/hate thing going on with the idea of prepping.  I love the variety of canned goods, stacked neatly on a shelf.  I love the…

IRS Steals (Your?) Medical Records

The Scandal of the Day(tm): Benghazi?  Nope….although no one has answered for the deaths of four Americans. Stealing phone records of the press?  Nope.  Not that one…

Exposing The Republican “Liberty” Caucus Part I: Pro-Abortion, Pro-Illegal, Anti-Liberty History

by Kit Lange and R. Clayton Strang The Republican Party is broken.  This is undeniable fact.   It is no longer the effective machine for liberty and freedom…

Surprise! Obama Campaign Adviser Anita Dunn is Also a Lobbyist

Remember back in the 2008 election, when Barack Obama promised he’d usher in a new, hope-y, change-y era with no meddling lobbyists interfering in Washington? After being…

Obama: Vote for Alexi Giannoulias because he is the most ethical mob banker ever!

Obama: Vote for Alexi Giannoulias because he is the most ethical mob banker ever!

Chris Cillizza brings us the most laughable campaign ad of the year. While most Democrats this year are seeing an Obama endorsement about the same as Kryptonite…

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Ava Gardner