Army “Two Moms” Commercial Smashes Stereotypes

Army “Two Moms” Commercial Smashes Stereotypes

It looks like the United States Army Public Affairs Division got a really bad case of pea green envy after the personnel got a gander at the Central Intelligence Agency’s “Humans of the CIA” ad campaign. The military’s public relations’ people said, “You have your cisgender millennial”; we have a soldier with two Moms.” No, I kid you not.

Bruce Springsteen’s Jeep Commercial Rings False

Bruce Springsteen’s Jeep Commercial Rings False

Bruce Springsteen cut a commercial for Jeep shown during Super Bowl 55. The folksy, cowboy, unity commercial rang false in every possible way. The Jersey boy trying…

Easily Offended Brits Pressure McDonalds to Pull Commercial [VIDEO]

Easily Offended Brits Pressure McDonalds to Pull Commercial [VIDEO]

Chalk up another win for the Easily Offended. This time they managed to have a McDonalds ad pulled in the United Kingdom. Here is the advertisement in…

Face Palm: Texas Mattress Store Produces and Retracts Tasteless 9/11 Ad [VIDEOS]

Face Palm: Texas Mattress Store Produces and Retracts Tasteless 9/11 Ad [VIDEOS]

Local advertising usually is done on the cheap, and the final results are generally pretty tacky. But one Texas mattress company took tasteless advertising to a new…

‪#‎SB50‬: The 5 Best Super Bowl Commercials for 2016 [VIDEO]

The game may have been not all it was hyped to be (and I say this as someone who had no vested interest in the outcome, even…

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Ava Gardner