Isla Vista Tragedy: Rodgers Family Calls For Gun Control

Over the Memorial Day weekend, twenty people were murdered in heavily gun-restricted Chicago. Eight more were wounded in gun-restricted Detroit. But those victims are mostly nameless and…

Jeremiah Wright’s Daughter Convicted of Fleecing Corrupt Charity

Remember how recently Obama touted his fantastic and awesome not Not Racist At All new program that supposedly helps young men of every color (except white, of…

“Nothing normal about being gunned down at work” says Obama

Brilliant. But “there is nothing normal about innocent men and women gunned down where they work,” Obama said. “There is nothing normal about our children being gunned…

Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. Resigns. Meh.

Even though the spawn of Reverend Jesse Jackson had very public legal problems with an ongoing federal investigation, and clear mental health issues – he’s bipolar –…

Priorities: Illinois officials miss the deadline to mail military ballots; hand-deliver ballots to inmates

Right now, there are tens of thousands of servicemembers fighting overseas to defend our rights and freedoms. One of America’s most cherished rights is the right to…

Obama: Vote for Alexi Giannoulias because he is the most ethical mob banker ever!

Obama: Vote for Alexi Giannoulias because he is the most ethical mob banker ever!

Chris Cillizza brings us the most laughable campaign ad of the year. While most Democrats this year are seeing an Obama endorsement about the same as Kryptonite…

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Ava Gardner