General Odierno, Former Army Chief of Staff, R.I.P.

General Odierno, Former Army Chief of Staff, R.I.P.

General Raymond Odierno has died. Rest in Peace, Sir. General Odierno served 39 years in the United States Army, earned four stars and retired as Chief of Staff of the Army. He was 67 years old and the cause was cancer.

Joint Chief Defends Teaching Critical Race Theory

Joint Chief Defends Teaching Critical Race Theory

Joint Chief of Staff, General Mark Milley, on Wednesday, defending the teaching of critical race theory during Congressional hearings. His defense came after pointed questions from Congressmen…

General Milley Motivates at the Press Conference

General Milley Motivates at the Press Conference

There are times in life when a few words have a big impact. Today, during the White House coronavirus press conference, Army General Milley gave us that…

Joint Chiefs says ISIS Not a Threat to US

This morning Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Martin Dempsey said he doesn’t think we should run airstrikes against ISIS militants in Syria until he…

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Ava Gardner