Media And Democrats Compare Brazil Riots To Jan 6

Media And Democrats Compare Brazil Riots To Jan 6

Brazil riots are just like Jan 6 according to the media and Democrats. Evidently no countries are allowed to protest their election process without being compared to January 6. Blaming Trump is also part of the equation.

Brazil Runoff Election Ends With Small Lula Win

Brazil Runoff Election Ends With Small Lula Win

The presidential runoff election was held on Sunday in Brazil, and the results were among the narrowest seen. With only two candidates on the ballot – former…

Brazil Presidential Election Heads To Runoff

Brazil Presidential Election Heads To Runoff

Brazil may yet avoid a complete swing back to the left. With no presidential candidate getting a majority of the votes, the acknowledged top two candidates will…

Brazil Travel Ban Goes Into Effect As Virus Flares

Brazil Travel Ban Goes Into Effect As Virus Flares

The evidence has become pretty obvious that the United States has successfully “flattened the curve.” Brazil has not. The Trump administration is now in the position of…

#Rio2016: The Top Five Highs and Lows [VIDEO]

#Rio2016: The Top Five Highs and Lows [VIDEO]

The Summer Olympics have come to an end for another four years. Rio formally closed up shop with a big ceremony last night, where the Olympic flag…

#Rio2016: The Bad, The Ugly, And The Amazing [VIDEOS]

#Rio2016: The Bad, The Ugly, And The Amazing [VIDEOS]

This evening kicks off the Opening Ceremonies for the XXXI Rio Olympics in Brazil. For the athletes its been a long road of competitions, injuries, tears, and triumph….

Brazil In Turmoil Over Vote To Impeach Its President

Brazil In Turmoil Over Vote To Impeach Its President

Brazil is going through a massive political shakeup, and it will end up affecting us in the United States. Its president, Dilma Rousseff, was formally impeached by…

Occupy Rio? Brazil continues to burn as anger at Rousseff’s government spending on 2014 World Cup boils over

If you think that the citizens of the United States are the only ones in the world these days who think their government could use a reality…

Gaffe-tastic Biden in Brazil “doesn’t want to come home” and Weekend Links!

With all the DC scandals these days, Crazy Uncle Joe has been keeping a pretty low profile, right? Some have suggested he’s using an “undisclosed location” while…

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Ava Gardner