Ever Wonder What the (((Echoes))) on Twitter Mean? Here’s the Answer [VIDEO]

Ever Wonder What the (((Echoes))) on Twitter Mean? Here’s the Answer [VIDEO]

If you’ve spent much time around the political world on social media, you may have noticed that some surnames mentioned in tweets or on blogs have a…

Hoax Fail: Gay Pastor Claims Whole Foods Wrote Slur on Cake [VIDEOS]

Hoax Fail: Gay Pastor Claims Whole Foods Wrote Slur on Cake [VIDEOS]

The Whole Foods Market grocery store chain is pretty much known to be a place to find organic produce, free-range eggs, yoga mats, and aging hippies. It’s…

#SSM: Christians Shown Hate by Left While Religious Bodies Show Respect for All

This morning, millions of Christian Americans will attend church services. Many will be confused and upset at the Supreme Court’s redefinition of marriage, and many will be concerned not…

Network to Roll Out Catholic-Bashing Program Written by Gay Activist

Network to Roll Out Catholic-Bashing Program Written by Gay Activist

While the pundits and talking heads of the mainstream media were cluck-clucking over Pamela Geller’s Mohammed cartoon contest, lecturing us on how we shouldn’t insult Muslims, ABC-TV…

Sally Kohn’s Politically Correct Bigotry

Imagine someone on the conservative side of politics said this: “I’m straight and I want my kid to be straight.” You tell me, how quickly would that…

School Recites Pledge in Arabic: One Nation Under Allah

Todd Starnes has a disturbing article up today about a high school in Colorado whose student cultural club decided to recite the Pledge of Allegiance in Arabic,…

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Ava Gardner