Miscarriage Of Justice, The Cop Who Shot Daniel Shaver Walks [VIDEO]

Miscarriage Of Justice, The Cop Who Shot Daniel Shaver Walks [VIDEO]

Daniel Shaver, a father of two, was murdered by a former Mesa cop named Phillip Brailsford. Brailsford was found not guilty Thursday. He murdered a man in cold blood and he walked.

Dude, why won’t conservatives stop defending themselves against our lies?

Dude, why won’t conservatives stop defending themselves against our lies?

MSNBC’S Morning Joe had a panel today, where it was agreed that conservatives had been unfairly targeted and smeared after the Tucson shooting this weekend. Mark Halperin,…

Mass Shooting in Arizona: A Sad Day For Our Country

Our Saturday had started out so great. We were relaxing at home drinking really good coffees, watching a great old movie, and playing on Facebook. Then we…

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Ava Gardner