Kamala Harris Schmoozed The American Federation Of Teachers Union

Kamala Harris Schmoozed The American Federation Of Teachers Union

Kamala Harris schmoozed the American Federation of Teachers Union. Truth be told, the delivery of her speech wasn’t heinous. She is unable to modulate the pitch of her voice, so it was still nails on blackboard. Kamala did not cackle. The meat and potatoes of her speech was the typical “Republicans are the root of all evil and Democrats will make your life perfect”. Kamala’s speech wasn’t wonderful, but if one was inclined to be impressed, one might be over the moon.

Randi Weingarten Takes Trip to Ukraine

Randi Weingarten Takes Trip to Ukraine

She must be the most tone-deaf woman in America. American Federation of Teachers head Randi Weingarten traveled to Ukraine to give aid and comfort to Ukrainian teachers’…

Randi Weingarten Goes For Teacher Vaccine Mandate

Randi Weingarten Goes For Teacher Vaccine Mandate

Get your popcorn, people, because this fight over vaccine mandates is about to get interesting.

Students Locked Out While Unions Dictate Terms

Students Locked Out While Unions Dictate Terms

In the battle of local juridictions versus teachers’ unions over school reopening, the unions are glorying in their upper hand while the students sit at home.

Betsy DeVos, School Choice Advocate Nominated As Education Secretary [VIDEOS]

Betsy DeVos, School Choice Advocate Nominated As Education Secretary [VIDEOS]

President-Elect Trump has wasted no time in shaking up the status quo in Washington DC AND the media. While the media scurries to its safe space after…

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Ava Gardner