Susan Sarandon Gets Sacked From Talent Agency

Susan Sarandon Gets Sacked From Talent Agency

Susan Sarandon Gets Sacked From Talent Agency

Most of us put whatever media on silent if we see Susan Sarandon speaking about current affairs and politics. But now, her talent agency has done so.

Apparently, talent agency UTA, had enough of Sarandon’s ramblings. Seems as if Susan smoked up one too many for UTA. Or maybe she’s been off the meds. Who knows? Here she is, trying her darnedest to be one of the people in her beatnik/hippie attire.

Hey, Susan. Woodstock already happened. And Woodstock ’99 was a train wreck. Truly.

There are a lot of people afraid of being Jewish at this time, and are getting a taste of what it feels like to be a Muslim in this country.”-Susan Sarandon

Huh? So, Jewish people are getting a “taste” of their own, (according to Sarandon) medicine? Americans of Jewish descent are getting what they deserve, according to this 77 year-old Hollywood wack job. See, Debra Messing? You are getting what you deserve, according to Ms. Sarandon.

It could be argued that Sarandon was always a bit of an anti-Semite:

Wonder if that includes her boy, Bernie. Meh. We know, he’s a self-hating anti-Semite.

It’s important to listen. It’s important to have facts. Take a breath before you answer. And, if it’s possible, have a conversation. You don’t have to go through the entire history of that region. You can just show the babies that have been dying in incubators, the family, and the love that people have for their loved ones who are blown to pieces. Those images are enough to show you that something is drastically wrong.”-Susan Sarandon

Yes, Susan. It is important to listen. It is important to have facts. Two things you clearly neglected to do on October 7th. So, listen. On October 7th, Hamas terrorists breached a border security fence separating Gaza from Israel. Facts: They subsequently began torturing and gunning down Israeli civilians in their homes. Some terrorists glided in and attacked innocent people enjoying a music festival on that fateful day.

Fact. Hamas initiated the attack.

One more fact. Hamas built tunnels underneath infrastructure to move fighters and weapons.

And, here’s another painful fact. A person’s ability to act does not equate to a person’s intelligence. (AHEM, Susan). Though, Sarandon’s ability to act these days may be in question. This could have been UTA’s perfect impetus to give Sarandon the boot. Let’s see if another picks her up. After all, you know what they say about talent agencies in Hollywood. Luckily, Sarandon has made her millions.

But Susan Sarandon continues to actually think her opinion matters to the rest of us. “you don’t have to go through the entire history of that region”, she says. I mean, Heaven knows, she hasn’t. But she’ll tell you what it’s like as if she has been there-(gasp) the “babies dying in incubators” and “loved ones blown to pieces”. History of the region has no place here. I find it funny that she doesn’t bring up the “love” some pro-Hamas supporters have for their “loved ones” as they use them as human shields against Israeli forces.

Enter some perspective which is what the Hollywood elite and some Americans lack. Enter Asra Nomani:

Let me tell you what it means to be Muslim in America. Let me give you ‘a taste’ of what it ‘feels like” to be a Muslim in America: My dad didn’t have to become a second-class indentured servant to one of the many tyrants of Muslim countries that use immigrants from India, like my family, as essential slaves.

In 1975, after getting his PhD at Rutgers, he was about to go to Libya — a Muslim country — led by a Muslim, Moammar Qhadafi, to work like a servant with a PhD for a wealthy dictator…but then the phone rang one day and I picked it up. It was West Virginia University calling, and my dad got a job as an assistant professor of nutrition. He got rejected first for tenure but being Muslim in America meant he got a right like everybody got — his right to appeal and guess what? He won and he became a full professor.”-Asra Nomani

Yes, something is drastically wrong. Seeing an atrocity and a war unfold before our very eyes and watching innocents die is drastically wrong. Making excuses for the terrorists who initiated this carnage is drastically wrong. Saying those who live and enjoy freedoms on our soil deserve to be treated poorly because they are on a different side of a debate, is also drastically wrong. Remotely advocating for any American to get a “taste of their own medicine” is drastically wrong, Susan. Susan Sarandon’s political leanings and ideas are pretty much drastically wrong all of the time.

And, we circle this back to life in America today ahead of the holiday of Thanksgiving. Many Americans who define themselves as “liberal” will renounce the holiday and say they “don’t celebrate”. I knew a big, white (privileged) dude who said this and a few weeks later, just before Christmas, obtained a copy of the Quran and said “he always wanted to read it”. I also know another man, an immigrant from Iran, whose family fled religious persecution when he and his brothers and sisters were children. He was forced to read and recite the Quran in school and punished if he didn’t. He was punished and singled out just based on his family not being Muslim in a predominantly Muslim country. He loves America.

The only thing that is drastically right here and spot-on when it comes to Susan Sarandon is the talent agency sacked her. Sounds like liberals are finally getting a “taste” of what it feels like to open their mouths and spout out their uniformed opinions that no one cares about. Well, with the exception of some of the execs at UTA who basically told her to take a drive off a cliff.

Photo Credit: GuillemMedina, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons/Cropped

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  • Royalidiot says:

    I’ve heard a lot of people run their mouths about this war…..Israel this, Hamas that…..There is a lot of propaganda in war, even a small one. But what I’ve never heard were how grateful the citizens of Gaza are to be rescued and liberated from terrorists………..not one peep.
    Jews being rescued from the concentration camps, even in their final minutes of life, expressed gratitude to the soldiers who came because the hell they were experiencing would end……But not here, not today……Today, they are silent……..And you have to wonder why…..

  • […] Continues, The Catholic Origins Of Thanksgiving, and Last Week’s Starship Test Victory Girls: Susan Sarandon Gets Sacked From Talent Agency, Biden In Nantucket For Billionaire’s Mansion Thanksgiving Vacation, and Nazis Look Like Amateurs […]

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