Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Mimosa, Bloody Mary, nice flute of champagne — or maybe a favorite tipple in your coffee. Make yourself one and join me at our own Algonquin Round Table, the spirit of Dorothy Parker abides.

Happy Sunday, dear friends! Please note the full, open bar to accompany today’s brunch. After the last week, including the Thursday popcorn event, an embrace of day drinking is called for. No worries, a feet of Uber rides await our departure. Now grab a plate, place your drink order, and let’s get to it. Salute!


Arkansas gets it right

There are only two sexes and official identifications should always reflect reality.

Of course, the American Criminal Liars Association (ACLU) claims that reality will cause TQ+ cultists physical harm.

“By removing the ‘X’ marker option, the state forces those who do not fit squarely into the gender binary to choose an inaccurate gender marker, resulting in potential confusion, distress, discrimination, physical harm, and a lack of proper identification,

Let’s please ignore the physical harm already caused by the TQ+ mental cases — from males-in-dresses getting access to women in prison, to the untreated – indeed, enabled – underlying mental issues that are leading to things like mass shootings.

Feature, not bug, of the radical Left. All in for chaos.


How about NO?

The Biden cabal is bound and determined to get Americans directly involved in Ukraine (and killed).

The Biden administration is moving toward lifting a de facto ban on American military contractors deploying to Ukraine, four US officials familiar with the matter told CNN, to help the country’s military maintain and repair US-provided weapons systems.

The change would mark another significant shift in the Biden administration’s Ukraine policy, as the US looks for ways to give Ukraine’s military an upper hand against Russia.


When you enable criminals, expect an escalation of crime


“Rachel” Levine pushes child mutilation and sterilization

This is what you get when you put a chickenhawk in a dress and give him political power.

Leftwing pederasts “held to account”? It’ll happen about the time Epstein’s List is published.



My shocked face is in danger of freezing this way

Your Sunday smile

38 good boys most grateful for the save

What started out as a nice weekend fishing trip turned into a massive rescue operation for two colleagues at State Farm Insurance for a pack of hunting dogs that almost drowned in a Mississippi lake.

sunday good news

When their bass boat arrived on the scene, it was pandemonium. 38 dogs struggling to stay afloat.

“We’re just flabbergasted because it’s dogs everywhere, and they’re all going in different directions because they can no longer see the bank on either side,” Gist told Fox News Digital.

They needed to make three trips to get them all, bringing the first haul of a dozen hounds to the shore where their anxious owners rejoiced in relief. Traumatized by the event, the dogs were afraid to disembark, believing everything beyond the confines of the boat to be water.

In the end, none of the dogs drowned.

All dogs go to heaven, but this wasn’t their time.


Leftovers have been boxed up and ready now that our Sunday together has come to a close. Do enjoy the rest of the day. Grand weather for a shady spot and a good book. See you next week. This wraps up June, onto July! Have a glorious 4th. Cheers!

featured image, original graphic by Darleen Click

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  • Cameron says:

    At work, there is a blog post by a young woman who claimed to be feeling mental distress and anguish by having to check “F” in the gender box. If basic biology stresses you out that badly, you need to be in an asylum instead of the workforce.

    Funny thing about Richard Levine. He had kids and they got to adulthood before he decided to play the game on Easy Mode. But he wants to deny children that same experience. And as I have said before: Troons can’t reproduce naturally so they recruit. And they want to get them while they are young and cute.

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  • John C. says:

    I have no trouble with allowing Americans declaring themselves military contractors to go to the Ukraine to kill people and break things for a paycheck, so long as it is totally clear that they are doing this on their own and in no way are associated with the government of the U.S., nor its policies. U.S. sworn military are another thing entirely, which I vehemently oppose.

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