Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Mimosa, Bloody Mary, nice flute of champagne — or maybe a favorite tipple in your coffee. Make yourself one and join me at our own Algonquin Round Table, the spirit of Dorothy Parker abides.

Happy Sunday, dears! The champagne is chilled (and stronger drinks are on deck as needed) and we are going to have table-side service of omelets made to order. You’ll need the protein for the strength to get your through the Leftwing insanities on display. Here’s your first flute of the bubbly and let’s get to it. Skål!


How’s that “trans women ARE women” thing working out?

Sane people say “I told you so.”

Inmates at California’s largest women’s prison say a former transgender activist who was convicted of murdering a lesbian couple and their son has been making life miserable since his transfer to their housing unit.

Dana Rivers shares a cell with several female inmates at Central California Women’s Facility in Chowchilla, where he was incarcerated last month. Women in Rivers’s housing unit say he ogles them, speaks demeaningly to them, and demands they push him around in his wheelchair.

This man murdered two women and their teen-aged son and is continuing his reign of terror behind bars with the tacit approval of the state of California. Oh, if asked, the spokesholes will claim they are all about “providing a safe, humane, respectful, and rehabilitative environment for all incarcerated people” but that’s as genuine a claim as the Secret Service’s “we know nuthin’ ’bout who dat yte powder belong to” dissembling. There are now 52 men in CA’s female prison system with others on deck for the move.

The #MeToo movement is dead. It makes no difference to the Left. Their hierarchy is set, men pretending to be women outrank mere women.

You know, dears, what I hear from TRAs when I bring up prison rape? If I get an answer at all, it’s along the lines of “well, prisoners get assaulted all the time, why are you obsessed with trans women, bigot?”

Such lovely people. Time for the martinis?



No, no grooming going on here …

Another life almost destroyed. And who will listen to his warning?

A young male, who formerly identified as a transwoman, who was castrated and became a “patient for life” as part of “gender-affirming care,” wants to warn others not to follow in his footsteps. He discussed his story of resilience and learning to accept himself for who he is for the first time with Fox News Digital.

If you missed it, this is the most important revelation in this young man’s testimony:

At 13, Kobe said that older trans people online instructed him, as well as other kids, to “play the suicide card” in order to get chemical interventions.

“I started using, like, ‘the suicide tactics,’ because that’s what they are. That’s what they tell us all to do… I don’t want to use the word groom, but we are like taught. I guess the older transpeople teach us to say that stuff to get the health care and everything. And I mean, there were times when I thought I was genuinely suicidal over gender dysphoria, but it was I think it was all just stuff that was in my head. I don’t think I would have ever been suicidal about being biologically male if I had never been exposed to that stuff.”

“Gender-affirming” care is cult-sacrifice.

Shut it down. Shut it down now.


Your Tax-supported student loans at work

Oh, you just knew this was coming …

From Sam Houston State University‘s website:

The Department of Victim Studies is the very first in the nation! In this department, students have the opportunity to work with faculty who are passionate about issues pertaining to victimization and care about sharing that interest and their knowledge with students. Students in both the undergraduate and graduate program will take courses that directly relate to victims.

Should pair quite nicely with all the Anger Studies courses that fuel the bloat in Left-captured academia.


Socialist California’s authoritarianism ramps up

While CA has lost about 500,000 people over the last three years, it is still the 800 lb gorilla in the living room we ignore at our own risk. Gov Gavin Newscum is pursuing the Presidency like a ravening Grizzly goes for roadkill, even as Biden hasn’t reach room temperature yet. Last November, Hairgel signed a law that is blatantly anti-#1A and his minions – with 2024 in sight – are busy setting the stage for more censorship collusion with BigTech.

The law requires Big Tech companies to submit reports to California Attorney General Rob Bonta detailing how they define terms such as hate speech, racism, extremism, radicalization, disinformation, misinformation, harassment, and foreign political interference and what they do to enforce censorship policies related to those categories. Starting Jan. 1, 2024, companies such as Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube will be required to disclose how many posts were deemed worthy of suppression, how many people viewed those posts before they were censored, and whether they reinstated the contended post following an appeal from the offending user. (snip)

“In 2024, social media platforms will also have additional transparency obligations, as required by recent state legislation that requires disclosures on content moderation practices as it relates to extremism or radicalization, disinformation or misinformation, and foreign political interference, among other areas,” Bonta wrote in the letter to the tech CEOs. “The California Department of Justice will not hesitate to enforce these laws against any individual or group that violates them.”

WrongThink will be punished. Pushback from parents to CA’s radical sexualization of school kids is annoying Gavin and peeving the legislature’s #1 pervert …

… when will the CA start jailing people over state-defined misinformation? Even if SCOTUS gets involved, will it even matter?


Your Sunday Fist Pump

Time for a palate cleanser, dears.

Oh my. I need a cigarette … and I don’t smoke.



Your Sunday Smile

We profiled Hung Cao in the 2022 Midterms. Losing that battle hasn’t dampened his spirit and he’s now in the running for the Senate. Courageous message here:

Definitely a man to support. We need so many more like him.


July is heating up, my friends, and I’m not just talking weather here. Please do take the rest of the day to relax, be with friends and family. Recharge yourself with the things that make life truly worth living. Take that into this next week as a shield against the chaos and I’ll see you next Sunday. Cheers!

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  • Cameron says:

    I look forward to Elon packing up Twitter and relocating to another state. Or simply telling Governor Hairgel “Nope. Not going to comply with this.”

  • […] Victory Girls Blog has Sunday morning cafe cocktails linkage. […]

  • GWB says:

    “providing a safe, humane, respectful, and rehabilitative environment for all incarcerated people”
    WTF is the “punishment” part? How about maybe punishing people for their crimes?
    Also, I am more than happy to put “trans women” in women’s prison – if they go into solitary confinement until their lopadictomy. Which is done in the prison yard by an actual woman, with a jailhouse shiv.

    I don’t want to use the word groom, but we are like taught.
    Well, that would be “grooming”, so yeah.

    Department of Victim Studies
    The thing is that you know they won’t be studying actual victims, like of crimes and such.

    how they define terms such as
    Reply: “We don’t. The only things we censor are actual fraud and incitements to crime. Everything else is none of your damn business.”
    Of course, I would have no money in a CA bank nor any servers anywhere in CA before I replied thusly.

    Why dads should be dangerous
    Damn straight, Skippy. The joke of cleaning your shotgun when your daughter’s beaus come to call is a joke – but it exists for a very real reason. The world is dangerous, and the way you keep the predation at bay is by being dangerous yourself. That our society no longer understands that is a testament to the power of the idiocy of Progressivism.

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