Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Mimosa, Bloody Mary, nice flute of champagne — or maybe a favorite tipple in your coffee. Make yourself one and join me at our own Algonquin Round Table, the spirit of Dorothy Parker abides.

Happy Sunday, dear friends! Come and sit down. Let me start passing the champagne flutes and plates for a sumptuous brunch. Got to keep up our strength for the next nine days. This past week was full of events that should have your eyebrows permanently raised up to your hairline. Whether it was the watching Bill Clinton revisit his past horndog reputation or the desperate Hail Mary Pass of the Left of “Trump is Hitler” howler monkey feces flinging. So fill your plates — do not miss the chanterelle mushroom risotto! — and let’s get to it. Slàinte!



Us poor, benighted regular folk have questions:

The doctor thinks claiming “politics” makes it okay to hide data, but IMHO it has to do with ideology first and sweet, sweet Benjamins second.

Dr. Olson-Kennedy is one of the country’s most vocal advocates of adolescent gender treatments and has served as an expert witness in many legal challenges to the state bans.

Go ‘experiment’ on all the mentally ill males living their paraphilia as an identity, “Dr.” Mengele Olson-Kennedy. Leave children alone.


SCIENCE! Part Deux

The “mother” of this poor boy is still deep in the throes of Munchausen by Proxy. Avery’s fame is too precious for her to give up. Even as this sad boy, who like Jazz Jennings, will never have anything approaching a normal, adult sex life, his Transcult community will make sure he never gets beyond non-binary as an identity.

There are moral monsters in this world and their first target is children.


Rats are readying the lifeboats at Ship Kamala

First, it was the Los Angeles Slimes who :::cough:::cough::: resolved to not endorse “anyone” for President. The second shoe dropped when Bezo’s Leftwing propaganda machine, The Washington Post, followed suit. Of course, the mass freak-out of Leftwing employees at both places is particularly delicious. Even across the pond, the execrable Guardian is aghast.

On one side is Donald Trump, a felonious and twice-impeached conman, raring to finish off the job of dismantling American democracy. On the other is Kamala Harris, a capable and experienced leader who stands for traditional democratic principles.

Nevertheless – and shockingly – the Los Angeles Times and the Washington Post have decided to sit this one out. Both major news organizations, each owned by a billionaire, announced this week that their editorial boards would not make a presidential endorsement, despite their decades-long traditions of doing so.

There’s no other way to see this other than as an appalling display of cowardice and a dereliction of their public duty.

“Dereliction of duty …”


And while editors at LATimes are resigning (don’t let the door hit you on your tuchus on the way out, comrade!) over the horror of not being able to call Trump Hitler again while giving a full-throated endorsement of Coronation Kamala, liberal Bill Maher decided to roll his eyes and get in his two cents.

“So I read in the paper today that The Washington Post and The LA Times for the first time ever [are] not endorsing a candidate in this race yet,” Maher began the discussion.

“First of all, it’s charming they think it matters to anybody. It’s hysterical to me,” Maher later said. “They think a newspaper editorial is going to change one mind, but in the past, it’s what we’ve done.”

My closing question is to wonder if WaPo’s poison inker, Ann Telnaes, will cough up another rat cartoon — hopefully along with her protest resignation.


Don’t get cocky — if it’s close, they’ll cheat

It isn’t enough that Democrats are dead set against showing ID in order to vote, but they are hard at work to have ineligible non-citizens remain on the voter rolls.

American elections should be decided by Americans — which is why states across the country have taken steps to remove noncitizens from their voter rolls. But the Biden-Harris administration is stymieing these efforts with roadblocks and lawfare.

Ohio, Florida, Texas, and Virginia are all under Federal assault undermining voter integrity.

Vote early and make sure your ballot is received.


The War on Free Speech

It appears that Truth is no defense when it comes to what one can say that will offend the defenders of official narrative.

fter three years of chest-beating, church burnings, historical revisionism, and national self-flagellation, the exponents of Canada’s mass Indian graves hoax have produced no evidence to support their anti-Christian “blood libel.”

Despite having found no children’s remains nearby former residential schools and certainly no mass graves, Canadian leftists are keen to proceed as though they had. After all, it has proven a helpful way of extorting Catholic dioceses, extracting hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars from Ottawa, and downplaying serial attacks on Christian institutions.

The trouble with this game of make-believe is that not all are willing to play.

The Wall Street Journal and other publications abroad have repeatedly made a point of noting that the narrative initially advanced by Rosanne Casimir, the chief of the Tk’emlups te Secwepemc Nation, and others in the years since — particularly in state media — was bogus from the start.

But never let facts get between a Leftist and the power to hurt others.

On Sept. 26, Leah Gazan, a member of parliament whose socialist New Democratic Party supported Justin Trudeau’s unconstitutional use of martial law against peaceful trucker protesters in 2022, introduced a bill that would criminalize “condoning, denying, downplaying or justifying the Indian residential school system in Canada through statements communicated other than in private conversation.”

We’ve heard from Democrats, including Potemkin Kamala, that “free speech” is extremist. Even Tampon Tim has mused that so-called “misinformation” and “hate-speech” are not ‘free speech’. Certainly, the UK is about jailing people now for WrongThought expressed on social media and Canada is poised to soon follow. Democrats must be drooling in anticipation.


Sunday palate cleanser

I laughed and I’m not sorry.


Your Sunday smile

Tragedy averted.

It happened around 3:15 p.m. Oct. 21 in the Wilmington area near M Street and Gulf Avenue, the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) said in a press release. The man, described as a White or Hispanic man possibly in his 20s or 30s, can be seen on video approaching an 11-year-old girl from behind before fondling her inappropriately.

“Hey, leave her alone,” Ivonne, a good Samaritan who lives in the area who noticed what was going on, can be heard on video shouting. (snip)

Ivonne, a longtime resident of the neighborhood, told FOX 11 she was grateful to be in the right place at the right time to save the girl, who was believed to have been walking home from Wilmington Middle School.

Brava, Ivonne.


Holy moly, will you look at the time! This Sunday morning as flown by. Dears, please pack a doggy bag, enjoy Halloween (full-size candy bars, right?) and we’ll get together next Sunday. Full bar and Ubers home, I promise. Cheers!

featured image original graphic by Darleen Click

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