Stronger Together…By Being Weaker Than Ever?

Stronger Together…By Being Weaker Than Ever?

Stronger Together…By Being Weaker Than Ever?

Two bombings and a stabbing spree this past weekend-just under a week past the anniversary of 9/11. The discourse rambles on: it was a bomb. It was an “unexplained event”. It was irresponsible to call a bomb what is was…a bomb. In thinking about the news over the past weeks, we have athletes kneeling during our national anthem crying “oppression” whilst making millions of dollars, high school football players following suit in a display of solidarity and our usual celebrities (pick any of them) flapping their jaws. On any given day in America as we know it today, there is some college millennial “triggered” by chalk, Trump baseball caps, sushi at the student dining hall or dreadlocks at a New York fashion show.

Pick a story, any story and we will find, if we look closely enough, that there is a common underlying theme here. With the seeming inability of some people to utter the word “bomb” over the past 24 hours, my mind kept circling back to Sun Tsu’s “The Art of War“:

“So in war, the way is to avoid what is strong, and strike at what is weak.”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

This is the problem, folks. We are WEAK. And our enemy lies in the darkness chipping away at our very foundation. Over the past 15 years, we have not seen 9/11-scale attacks on this country but we have weathered attacks upon our soil, attacks upon our ideologies and philosophies and attacks on our very spirit as Americans that have been enough to shake the very foundation upon which we were built. The foundation, once upon a time, has been strong but its plates are shifting and the core is crumbling underneath ever so slowly. What better way to attack a nation than by slowly undermining its values and filling its people full of defeat and self-doubt? What better way to crumble America than pitting its very own against one another-divided and hateful?

“If his forces are united, separate them.”-Sun Tsu

If you don’t think it’s happening, take a good, hard look around. Our enemy is coming in like a thief in the night and stealing away our ability to stand united. We have weakened our language to call blatant terror attacks “workplace violence”. We have moved the focus off of “workplace violence” weapons in guilty criminal hands and placed our focus on disarming the very people who want to fight and ensure these atrocities do not ever happen again. When we are attacked and we pray, we are attacked from within-from people who should be on the same side-about about our prayers. We are attacked from within for being skeptical of immigration policies that may not keep people who want to do us harm out. We are called names and bullied by the very people who won’t let their kid touch a squirt gun, who take their kids to school and take a stand against bullying. Meanwhile, our elite class-our politicians, our athletes, our actors, our musicians, our college professors-all are throwing their anti-military, anti-God, anti-law enforcement, pro-drug, pro-sex junk at our kids like gospel. We have a military that is decreasing in numbers and undervalued, local law enforcement officers who have their hands tied and we are told that we are racist bigots for wanting to see our military and law enforcement as strong and empowered. We have a health-care plan that is imploding. We have a generation of first-class wimps who do not know how to get out of a paper bag and who go off crying in a corner because the color of someone’s shirt offended them and we have grown adults who are able-bodied to work…who had dreams at one point in time who just choose to stay on welfare because, hey, “why bother”?

“Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected.”-Sun Tsu

They want us weakened physically, spiritually, mentally, emotionally. They want us kneeling for our anthem. They don’t want us kneeling before God. They want us fighting amongst ourselves and want our future generations weakened to the point of never regaining strength. They want us tied to dependency. They don’t want us to have strong leadership. They want us hopeless and defenseless. And, most importantly, they want the very soul of this beautiful country crushed. While we hear “stronger together” as a token slogan from a certain politician who shall remain nameless…we are weaker than ever. This is no accident. Unless the tide shifts, they got us right where they want us.

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  • Scott says:

    great post, though I doubt you’ll find a liberal, especially on a college campus who has even that faintest idea who the hell Sun Tsu is, let alone owns, or has read his book…what a sad commentary on how far this great nation of ours has fallen… while Trump is not my ideal candidate, noone with a brain can argue with his slogan… we damn sure need to ” Make this country great again!”

  • Heather says:

    Excellent post. I agree with Scott, I would be surprised if one college kid today has even heard of Sun Tsu.

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