Sting: Obama was sent from God

Sting: Obama was sent from God

The has-been singer was joking — I think — but the Obama-worship is still pretty over the top, even without the “sent from God” part:

Sting isn’t a religious man, but he says President Barack Obama might be a divine answer to the world’s problems.

“In many ways, he’s sent from God,” he joked in an interview, “because the world’s a mess.”

But Sting is serious in his belief that Obama is the best leader to navigate the world’s problems. In an interview on Wednesday, the former Police frontman said that he spent some time with Obama and “found him to be very genuine, very present, clearly super-smart, and exactly what we need in the world.”

“I can’t think of any be better qualified because of his background, his education, particularly in regard to Islam,” he said.

… The British singer, who released the seasonal album “On A Winter’s Night” this week, said he’s fascinated by American politics, Obama, and also by Obama’s opponents on the right.

“It’s aggressive and violent and full of fear,” he said of the backlash against Obama. “They don’t want change, they want things to feel the same because they feel safe there.”

After eight years of assassination fantasies from the Left, I’m not sure that liberals and Democrats really have much room to be talking about the Right being “violent”.

I keep wondering where the Obama fanatics keep getting this idea that he is so gifted and special. His education? His background? His experience? He was an average student at Harvard who went on to do pretty much nothing except cozy up to some extremist liberals in order to get himself ready for a career in politics. As a senator, he’s done nothing but vote present over and over and over again. Yet this somehow makes him qualified to solve all of the world’s problems? Because he’s the first (half) black president? And of course, we’re supposed to believe this singer who has done nothing really in ten years, and has become more well-known for practicing tantric sex with his wife than for his singing. I guess we should all adore Obama as much as the liberal celebrities and journalists do.

Yeah… I’ll get right on that, buddy.


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  • Steve L. says:

    But, but, but Bush was evil!!!!!!!!!!!!! Doesn’t that mean Obama is sent by God to save the world? I mean, he is a fancy talker.

  • pedro says:

    I loved the Police as a band but Sting (Gordo as I call him) is an idiot. Please stick to music and leave politics to people who understand it (conservatives)!

  • Don L says:

    The last person sent from God ended up being hung on a tree for mankind. Do you suppose that obama is ready to sacrifice that much out of love for us?

    It’s hard to be sent from God when you play at being one.

  • Sean says:

    Yes, Sting, of the Gordo variety, it is difficult to understand why people become violent, and way,way, harsh with their protestations. I guess if you seek to take away their property, the wealth produced by their own hands, their freedom to live their lives as they like, their privacy, their ability to defend themselves, their voice, their written papers, and their G*d, and reduce them to abject slavery, the evil white devils will get cranky. But in this observation, oh singer of songs, you reveal how utterly and resolutely stupid you are. My humble advice to you, oh ignorant one, is to scrupulously avoid people like me when the SHTF.

  • BobV says:

    Sent by god . . to punish us? That I could believe.

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