Something New For Matt Gaetz

Something New For Matt Gaetz

Something New For Matt Gaetz

Is it time for something new for Matt Gaetz, the Congressman from Florida who was the ringleader in getting Kevin McCarthy ousted from the Speakership?

I know I am in the minority when I admit to liking Matt Gaetz. Do I absolutely love fangirl him? No, not necessarily, but instead, I like that he makes some noise. Some call him a disrupter, and some say it’s not in a good way. I get it. But how do you get to be a disrupter in a good way? I guess when the disrupter is saying what you want to hear? I can tell right now that the word “disrupter” will quickly become one of those annoying words. And it will also lose its meaning soon, too.

The Victory Girls covered the ousting of Kevin McCarthy and the weeks that followed to find a new Speaker extensively here on the blog. So, while we thought this topic was put to bed, bad blood is still being spilled.

Cause Baby, Now We Got Bad Blood

McCarthy apparently is still butthurt over being ousted by Matt and others, and now McCarthy wants revenge and suggests that Matt Gaetz be expelled.

“People have to earn the right to be here,” McCarthy continued. “I mean, he’ll admit to you personally, he doesn’t have a conservative bent in his philosophy. And just the nature of what he focuses on.”

McCarthy said it’s “up to the conference” whether to move to expel Gaetz, when asked whether the GOP should take that step. – The Hill

And, of course, Matt Gaetz has a reply for Kevin from his podcast the other day. This makes me wonder if Matt is doing a podcast; when is he doing the work for the people? But we’ll get to that later.

I agree that we have some animated characters in public office, and some of them like the attention. And in search of the spotlight, they will say and do what seems to be ridiculous things.

Do some of them do it for showmanship, or do they have absolute conviction in their profaneness? Let’s look at The Squad for a minute. McCarthy talking about expelling Matt, but we have the likes of AOC, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and Cori Bush carrying on in America’s government, getting everyone drunk on their brand of moonshine. But we are okay with that; let’s expel Matt instead.

On the Other Hand

After gathering my information for this blog post, I came across Matt’s YouTube channel, where he premiered a new video, Gaveled Out. As of this blog post, the short film is just a couple of hours old on his channel. It is a 13-minute HD short film, as Matt describes it.

How much did that cost? I am sure Matt isn’t the one putting this together. It was surely contracted out, and professionals put this together, but still, Matt had to have taken some time to help out and give input. And he has his podcast, too.

So this makes me wonder if Matt couldn’t do something better elsewhere? Can he do better things outside of Congress? Start his own show, other than a podcast? I know podcasts are a dime a dozen; anyone can do it. I have one, but it is not professionally done or any significant money put into it. You know Matt has professionals. It looks like he has spent a lot of time, money, and energy on these projects: short film, podcast, and all of his social media platforms.

Maybe Matt could team up with Tucker to do something? Although each man obviously can stand on their own. I’d like to see Matt doing something in the media instead of constantly being browbeaten by his colleagues. But maybe his constituents in Florida think differently?

Feature Image: Gage Skidmore/Flickr/CC BY-SA 2.0 DEED

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