I’m not a big movie fan. Typically summer blockbusters come and go, and my reaction is “meh.”
However, there’s a movie coming out in July that I want to see, especially since I’m fascinated by World War II history. Besides, it’s British history, and I’m a sucker for British epics (Lawrence of Arabia, anyone?)
Here’s the trailer:
Dunkirk tells how over 300,000 Allied troops were rescued from a beach in France when escape was cut off. It’s a story of courage, patriotism, and miracles.
But leave it to the social justice morons to rail against Dunkirk. Why? Well, because it’s “too white.”
Check out this idiot, who says she’s a “librarian” in her Twitter profile. I wonder if she can find the “nonfiction” section in her local library?
Dunkirk: more proof Hollywood will never run out of movies about white guys doing stuff in WWII
— dolly (@loather) May 26, 2017
Then there’s this brain trust, who only cares that boy band heart throb Harry Styles is in the movie. . .
. . .otherwise, it’s just about “unimportant white men.”
This guy schooled her:
Without these boring "unimportant white men you" you would speak German. Learn history, get out of your safe space. #anotherSJWwhoiswrong
— Jim Cox (@Deplorablejimkn) June 27, 2017
The fact is, despite all the social justice caterwauling about “white guys,” the men of the British Expeditionary Force certainly were white. It’s a simple historic fact. But there’s a delicious irony here. Whom did British and Allied forces fight against? Fascists, right? Which means that the “white guys” on the beach were the original “antifa.” Do the social justice types consider that?
Identity politics and historical ignorance have created a terrible blindness when too many people can’t see that courage comes in all colors. But how long can cultures last when their people lose their knowledge of history, and instead trade it for tribalism?
Oh, it’s more than tribalism, Kim. It’s a special brand of willful ignorance based on post-modern “truth” being more important than facts and logic.
Witness the idea that “facts” and “logic” are cis, white, patriarchal methods of oppression…………….
These people need to all be moved to a special part of Yellowstone, where they can commune with the bison and bears and bathe in the hot springs.
Holy shit princess, triggered much? Fun Fact, some parts of the world, and some countries are full of white men! *gasp* The fellas who held the ground? (Yes, fellas with cocknballs) were white europeans!
I’d offer as an alternative, a special part of Death Valley GWB… To sum up, as Ron White says: You can’t fix stupid!
Tell these morons a golf ball is a “white privilege sphere” and tell them they can ONLY absolve themselves of their own “whiteness” if they repeatedly hit that offensive little albino sphere — from one end all the way to the other of The Devil’s Golf Course in Death Valley.
Pass the popcorn — it would be fun to watch.
(For the curious, look it up online; you’ll understand.)
What else do you expect from the same types that were upset that the new remake of Murder on the Orient Express did not have any asians.
And, yet, would be upset by the Charlie Chan version of the story.
I wonder what they’d make of “Gone With the Wind” if that movie were made today? OMG!!!! All the slaves are black!!! And all the plantation owners are white!!!! Where are the Latinos?? The Native Americans??? The LGBT???? It’s criminal!!!!!!!!!!
So let us rewrite history a little shall we. To make the racist in the world happy, the next movie about Martin Luther King Jr. will be cast entirely of Asians. Why not, Hamilton had no whites. The next Tarzan movie will have a black Tarzan and white natives. Jane will be black and instead of beating the bad guys, Tarzan will die.
Mohammad will be a gay Chinese guy. Instead of Columbus discovering the Americas (with history has proven now that he didn’t) some Aztec will sail east and discover Europe. Yes sir, let us rewrite history so that NO ONE fells left out of great events.
Thanks! I’ve been looking for a new movie to buy! And, I love history. ‘Still enjoying the “Rough Riders” – excellent war film!
“Identity politics and historical ignorance have created a terrible blindness when too many people can’t see that courage comes in all colors. But how long can cultures last when their people lose their knowledge of history, and instead trade it for tribalism?” Exactly right.