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Signs Of Decline – Biden

Signs Of Decline – Biden

Signs Of Decline – Biden

There are no signs of decline in Joe Biden:

“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”
― George Orwell, 1984

Joe Biden, allegedly the “Leader of the Free World”, landed in Paris this morning to honor the Heroes of D-Day on the 80th anniversary of the beginning of that campaign. He flew on Air Force One which has every comfort that a leader could need. The plane has private quarters with a big bed (Thank you, President Trump.). Joe could have slept across the Atlantic Ocean and then visited with D-Day Veterans when he landed. Air Force one landed, Joe was check into his hotel and then Sleepy Joe called a lid and went to bed at 9:28 a.m. Paris time.

Nothing to see here folks. There are no signs of Decline. None. Shut up. But Trump. What we are watching is a mashup of Weekend at Bernie’s and The Truman Show. We MUST ignore the evidence of our eyes and ears and applaud the show.

What a shite show!

There have been a couple of articles lately that discuss the signs of decline that those who interact with Joe have noticed. The Democrat Party and its acolytes are stomping all over to put out the fires these articles have started. The Party faithful know that they must ignore the evidence of their eyes and ears. From the Wall Street Journal:

The 81-year-old Biden is the oldest person to hold the presidency. His age and cognitive fitness have become major issues in his campaign for a second term, both in the minds of voters and in attacks on him by Republicans. The White House and top aides said he remains a sharp and vigorous leader.

Some who have worked with him, however, including Democrats and some who have known him back to his time as vice president, described a president who appears slower now, someone who has both good moments and bad ones.

For much of his career, Biden enjoyed a reputation on Capitol Hill for being a master negotiator of legislative deals, known for his detailed knowledge of issues and insights into the other side’s motivations and needs—and for hitting his stride when the pressure was on. Over the past year, though, with Republicans in control of the House, that reputation has diminished.

All I have ever heard about Joe is that he plays dirty and is mean as a snake. He is the “…father of Borking”:

Supreme Court nomination hearings have gone from serene to savage, thanks largely to Joe Biden.

As head of the Senate Judiciary Committee, he presided over the infamous Robert Bork hearings. His smearing of Bork for his original-intent judicial philosophy transformed hearings for Supreme Court nominees into bloody ideological battles. Henceforth, all conservative nominees were subjected to “Borking.”

Brutal to Bork from the start, Biden treated him not as a serious judge but as a stooge for what Biden called the “Reagan-Meese” agenda. Biden’s transparently unfair treatment of Bork was so bad even The Washington Post editorialized against Biden at the time:

While claiming that Judge Bork will have a full and fair hearing, Senator Joseph Biden this week has pledged to civil rights groups that he will lead the opposition to the confirmation. As the Queen of Hearts said to Alice, “Sentence first—Verdict Afterward.”

Joe Biden has always been mean as a snake and not too smart. For those of us who are apostates, we notice the signs of his decline:

This Truman Show Administration keeps our views of him limited and stage managed:

Americans have had limited opportunities to observe Biden in unscripted moments, as he has shown a reluctance to give media interviews. By the end of April, he had given fewer interviews and press conferences than any of his recent predecessors, according to data collected by Martha Joynt Kumar, an emeritus professor at Towson University. His last town-hall-style meeting with an independent news outlet was in October 2021.

Biden has had fewer small meetings with lawmakers as his term has continued, according to visitor logs. During his first year in office, he held more than three dozen meetings of fewer than 20 lawmakers in the West Wing, even with pandemic restrictions. The number dipped to roughly two dozen in his second year, and about a dozen in his third year.

Joey makes more gaffes than any office holder we have ever had.

During a campaign event in Detroit last month, Biden suggested he was vice president during the COVID-19 pandemic, which started during the Trump administration. The following day, during a Rose Garden event celebrating Jewish American Heritage month, Biden initially said one of the U.S. hostages held in Gaza was a guest at the White House event before correcting himself.

In January, Biden mixed up two of his Hispanic cabinet secretaries, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra.

At a February fundraiser in New York, he recalled speaking to German Chancellor Helmut Kohl at the 2021 Group of Seven meeting, despite the fact that Kohl died in 2017. During a different fundraiser that month, he said that during the 2021 G-7 summit he had spoken to former French President François Mitterrand, who died in 1996.

And DOCTOR Jill assures us that Joe is on top of his game:

Keep your eyes and ears open as the signs of his decline continue.

Featured Image: Darleen Click for Victory Girls

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