Senate Dress Code: Now Every Day Is Pajama Day

Senate Dress Code: Now Every Day Is Pajama Day

Senate Dress Code: Now Every Day Is Pajama Day

In order to accommodate John Fetterman, Chuck Schumer has ditched the Senate dress code. Now every day is Pajama Day!

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) quietly has directed the Senate’s Sergeant at Arms to no longer enforce the chamber’s informal dress code for its members, Axios has learned.

Why it matters: The new directive will allow Sen. John Fetterman (D-Pa.), who tends to favor gym shorts and hoodies over the business attire traditionally required in the chamber, to linger on the Senate floor before and after votes.

“tends to favor??!!” If he could, Fetterman would live in grubby gym shorts and hoodies 24/7. In fact, if it weren’t for the times he’d been required to wear a suit, he would’ve shown up in his sloppy attire. And sloppy it is. 

Yet, here we are. We are now in the age of the Fetterman Rule.

It’s pajama day on the Senate floor. 

You DO know the reason for these rules being relaxed don’t you? It’s so Fetterman can grace the Senate floor w/o censure in order to cast votes and potentially make speeches while dressed as a gym rat. 

Of course, there have been issues with the Senate and House dress codes before. The very thought of sleeveless dresses on Congresswomen had peoples shorts in a knot. Those sleeveless arms were going to be the death of us! 

After an internet-fueled furor over rules barring women in sleeveless attire, U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan pledged on Thursday that House officials would review and perhaps modernize the chamber’s dress code.

Ryan made his announcement a week after a CBS News report about the long-standing rules went viral on social media. It prompted a slew of reports, including some falsely accusing Ryan of unfairly targeting women, especially given Washington’s notoriously hot summers.

The current dress code has been in place for years, including under Nancy Pelosi, a Democrat who was the only woman to serve as House Speaker, from 2007-11.

The dress code was revised. But DECORUM was upheld. The same with the U.S. Senate. For the men it was suits, and the women it was business attire. I’ll grant you that Senator Kirsten Sinema stretched the margins a wee bit, but did she ever dress like a slob?

No. The only one who dresses like a couch-surfing slob is John Fetterman.

While some claim this is his “brand,” what it really is is the guy is a slob. And EVERYONE enables him. EVERYONE. 

Here’s the kicker to all of this. Staffers and visitors must comply with the OLD rules. 

Isn’t that just fabulous hypocrisy on top of blatant rudeness?

With this new Fetterman rule, Senators can wear whatever they want, but not staffers or visitors. 

With Chuck Schumer (who assured us that HE would always wear a suit) dumping the dress code so John Fetterman can hulk around in his gym rat attire, we are now in the realm of ‘why have standards, when no standards are now the watchword of the day?’ 

As much as it pains me, if I ever got to Washington D.C. and had the opportunity to walk onto the Senate floor, I’d consider doing so dressed in my absolute grungiest gym attire with an old ball cap perched on my head. 

The media has already given Fetterman tons of accommodations. They ignore the very real issues with his health. And now we have the Senate bending over backwards to give him Pajama Day every day. 

Feature Photo Credit: Fetterman via Wikipedia, cropped and modified

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  • therealguyfaux says:

    All Chuckie Tumor would have had to do is to say, “We’re making an ‘accommodation’ for Senator Fetterman under the Americans With Disabilities Act, but he’s otherwise still capable of carrying out his Senate duties.”

    Nobody with brainpower greater than that of Uncle Festerman would buy the latter part, of course, but it would have given Chuckie a chance to virtue-signal, and maybe some legal cover.

  • Kevin says:

    Speaking from experience, I’m going to step out on a limb and say that Fetterman’s issue with wearing “baggy, oversized” shorts/sweat shirts has more to do with body image issues than it does anything else. With that said, if he can force himself to put on a suit to appear at formal events, the White House or on the Senate floor, he can put on a suit to do paperwork all day in his office.

    Not only with dress codes, every other “norm” has fallen to wayside when it comes to politicians who were once expected to “set the example” for the rest of us. Well, they’ve sure done that … Boebert’s shameful behavior while watching a play (which she blames on her “impending divorce” but if you watch the entire video thread you can clearly see she got over her “impending divorce” well before she stepped into that auditorium given how handsy both her and her date were with one another). The chimpanzee screeching done during State of the Union addresses. Decorum has been flushed down the toilet, and here it comes … this recent lack of decorum can be placed mostly on one person … the 280 pound Malignant Tumor.

    • Nina Bookout says:

      Kevin, quite honestly, Fetterman has been doing this for years. Yet there are, as you point out, a plethora of photos of him wearing suits on many occasions when he was Lt. Governor.

      The dumbing down of standards and codes such as dress codes has been happening for years. Just look at how people have been dressing in stores, restaurants, and on airplanes. And it is a problem across the board in our society, not just politics.

      That said, dropping standards to accommodate one, yet STILL expect those standards to stay in place for staffers and visitors is pretty darned hypocritical and that was Schumer’s decision, not anyone else’s.

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