Security Breach: Israeli Retaliation Plans Leaked To Iran

Security Breach: Israeli Retaliation Plans Leaked To Iran

Security Breach: Israeli Retaliation Plans Leaked To Iran

This security breach is BAD. It seems that someone in the U.S. intelligence community is sending Iran information on Israel’s plans for retaliation.

The US is investigating a leak of highly classified US intelligence about Israel’s plans for retaliation against Iran, according to three people familiar with the matter. One of the people familiar confirmed the documents’ authenticity.

The leak is “deeply concerning,” a US official told CNN.

“Deeply concerning.” YOU THINK??!! This is beyond concerning and does not bode well for the Biden-Harris Administration. And, given this information, is it any wonder that Israel quit talking to or listening to the United States weeks ago?? Oh, but there’s more. From Axios:

A Telegram channel by the name “Middle East Spectator” claimed on Friday that it had received documents from a source in the U.S. intelligence community about Israel’s preparations for an attack on Iran.

The Telegram channel routinely publishes pro-Iranian content, and the profile of the X account affiliated with the channel says it is located in Iran.

The documents include an alleged Visual Intelligence report by the Department of Defense National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) distributed inside the U.S. intelligence community earlier this week.

The authenticity of the documents has not been independently verified by Axios.

However, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and the Pentagon did NOT dispute the documents authenticity. As Axios reports further, these documents leaked Israel’s plans for a strike against Iran and information regarding a military exercise last week. This intelligence leak is bad on multiple levels…for the United States.

The leak comes at an extremely sensitive moment in US-Israeli relations and is bound to anger the Israelis, who have been preparing to strike Iran in response to Iran’s missile barrage on October 1. One of the documents also suggests something that Israel has always declined to confirm publicly: that the country has nuclear weapons. The document says the US has not seen any indications that Israel plans to use a nuclear weapon against Iran.

“bound to anger the Israelis??” You. Don’t. Say. If I was Prime Minister Netanyahu, whose home was drone bombed by Iran just yesterday, I’d say anger would be the least of it. 

The Biden-Harris Administration is trying to downplay this security breach as just a mere blip. The documents leak is “bad, not horrible.” Do you even hear yourselves??!! This is a BIG F***KING deal!

Especially when you consider the agencies/departments involved in this security breach. The folks at RedState have found out some highly concerning information. 

Guess who Ariane Tabatabi has worked with? Rob Malley, the intelligence guy who is still getting a U.S. government salary while ‘on leave’ for sharing major secrets with Iran. He’s been under investigation for over a year now, while Ariane has somehow managed to keep her job. Malley, along with Tabatabi was part of the group that the Biden-Harris Admin tapped to try and resurrect the Iran Deal. 

Furthermore, the timing of this security breach and the leak of significant intelligence from the U.S. regarding Israel’s potential moves against Iran is highly concerning given that Joe Biden is bumbling around Europe right now. 

A potential cease-fire for “a while” between the terrorist organization Hezbollah and Israel? If it were me, I’d have more pagers go BOOM in terrorists hands or pockets than have Israel agree to a cease-fire with them.

RedState’s Streiff has an interesting point regarding this mess. 

Odds are that if Tehran leaked these documents, they would be a sign that a) Tehran has a lot more intelligence on Israel’s plans, b) they are leaking it to try to throw off Israel’s planning cycle, and c) we have a highly placed Iranian mole somewhere in the Intelligence Community.

Quite frankly, I’d say it’s D) all of the above. I’d not only look at the DNI and specifically Ariane Tabatabi, but I’d be looking hard at the CIA given some have demonstrated their support for Hamas over Israel since Oct 7. 

Will anything come of this investigation into the security breach? Under the Biden-Harris Administration I’d say that answer is a hard NO. Especially given that Kamala Harris is NOT a fan of Israel. 

Does anyone REALLY think that the Biden-Harris Administration will boot the Iran sympathizers from their jobs? No. This highly concerning security breach sends a major signal to Israel. 

“Kamala Harris just publicly validated the false and vicious accusation that Israel is engaging in genocide,” David Friedman, a former U.S. ambassador to Israel, told The Post Saturday.

“Many, including myself, always suspected that she held this warped, antisemitic view of Israel’s self-defense against Hamas barbarism. But the cat is now out of the bag,” he added.

“Her view is as ignorant as it is malign. … To give credence publicly to this disgusting blood libel disqualifies Harris from holding any public office, let alone the presidency,” he said.

Kamala Harris is a dangerous empty-headed pantsuit who isn’t even qualified to be a janitor. As is pointed out, this leak is true enemy of the people s**t.

This security breach has major implications for this country’s relationship with Israel. Should Harris prevail at the ballot box….

Feature Photo Credit: Israel and U.S. flag via iStock, cropped and modified

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  • Ah, yes. Emailing top secret documents to the country that holds “Death to America!” rallies on a weekly basis. One post.

    Multiple posts on (supposedly) top secret documents held in a building protected by armed Secret Service agents.

  • Cameron says:

    We need to bring back the days we executed traitors. Hell, make it a PPV view event and you could put a lot of money into the budget.

    This administration wants Iran to be the dominant power in the Middle East and the destruction of Israel is seen as a bonus.

  • John Shepherd says:

    How do you know this isn’t a deception operation? The timing of the leak seems too pat. “Psst, I got some Israeli attack secrets for you just when you need them.”
    The key to a successful deception op is that the false information needs to be believable. The way you make it believable is to give “secrets” to a trusted source in whom your adversary has confidence.

    • Scott says:

      I don’t “know ” that it isn’t a deception op, but NOTHING from the last 3.8 yrs, out of the White House, or anyone they installed at the Pentagon has given me any reason to believe that they are
      1. Capable of such an operation
      2. At all inclined to help Israel in that manner

      Now, if you are referring to the Israeli’s using our compromised govt as the “trusted source” you mention, now THAT I can believe…

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