Salon: Taylor Swift’s Woke Handmaid Allyship Is Not Enough

Salon: Taylor Swift’s Woke Handmaid Allyship Is Not Enough

Salon: Taylor Swift’s Woke Handmaid Allyship Is Not Enough

It is quite the irony when a publication like Salon sees right through the woke allyship of a white celebrity. This time, they’re taking aim at Taylor Swift.

If you ask me, it couldn’t happen to a nicer girl. Now, Salon is up-and-arms about Swift and her brand of virtue signaling because of a guy. Yes, with Ms. Swift, it’s always about a guy. Here is Salon‘s beef. This guy did and said some things in the past. Salon thinks Swift is inauthentic in her collaboration with female rapper, Ice Spice (no, not of the Spice Girls) because of this guy. Take a look:

Obnoxious? Yes, on many levels. And we hear Swift throw out a Godd*amn and see yet another nod to the satanic god, Baphomet, in this video. Nice job, Tay, Tay. Now, where does the guy come in and who is he? According to Salon, he is Matty Healy, frontman of The 1975. Yeah, like I don’t even know some of these people anymore. AnyWHO, rumor has it Healy and Swift were or have been dating at one point in time. (Like, who hasn’t she dated?) Here’s what Salon had to say about Matty Healy:

He used to follow Kyle Rittenhouse on Instagram. He jerks off to and jokes about Ghetto Gaggers, a porn website that focuses on the brutalization of Black women. And importantly, he, in a resurfaced episode from Adam Friedland and Nick Mullen’s podcast, laughed along and thus encouraged the hosts as they mocked Ice Spice as an ‘Inuit Spice Girl’ and ‘Chubby Chinese Lady’ (even though she’s Nigerian and Dominican and previously publicly declared herself a fan of The 1975). He first responded to the episode by saying, ‘Sorry if I’ve offended you,’ a classic non-apology that evades admitting any wrongdoing and instead implies those offended were being overly sensitive. He now says, per The New Yorker, that his offense ‘doesn’t matter.'”-Kelly Pau, Salon

Pau, in this opinion piece, seems shocked-SHOCKED, I tell you, that “Miss Americana” (snort) who “likes to keep her image squeaky clean” (another snort here) would even be seen in the same room with a cretin like Matty Healy.

Rather than commenting on the controversies of her alleged new beau or denouncing his remarks, Swift decided to team up with rapper Ice Spice in a move that many felt was obvious damage control. And considering the timing, as well as how Swift’s girl squad is predominately white, it felt an awful lot like the ole ‘I’m not racist; I have a Black friend’ defense, as if that shields you from prejudice. (Though Swift has said it was the rapper’s team who reached out first.) The star’s silence is loud. To be ‘neutral’ is to still be complicit in racism. Whether she’s dating Healy or this is all an elaborate PR scheme, Swift has proven herself to be another white woman who claims to be an ally, claims Black Lives Matter and calls herself a feminist — but only as long as it serves her.”-Kelly Pau, Salon

Kelly, Kelly, Kelly, why, oh why, are you surprised at this? This has been Taylor Swift’s MO for a long time. Luckily, no one really listens to her political views other than teenagers and some twenty-something-year-old girls. Unfortunately, some of those mindless nitwits worship the ground she and her Baphomet mask walk on and voted for the Idiot in Chief, Joe Biden.

The ones all old enough to vote after Taylor Swift sounded off on Instagram about the Tennessee election of 2018. Because T-Swizzle fans are so ready to take advice from a rich, white girl who writes bubblegum, revenge lyrics to catchy melodies. I mean, how could Taylor Swift be so wrong in her allyship? She took advice from the best of the best-Lena Dunham!

It’s really wonderful to have someone like Lena Dunham in my life. We have the same responsibility and the same pressure that’s on you when you write every single word you end up performing.”-Taylor Swift


Was this before or after we found out Dunham molested her sister? Taylor, you’re not very smart, are you, dear? I know. She doesn’t have to be. How fortunate for her.

Now, we can tell the writers at Salon that they need to Calm Down (ahem)…but, for once, I agree with someone from Salon. I agree that Taylor Swift’s “allyship” is a sham. She is a spoiled, little white chick, just like Lena Dunham. Both of them were little, rich girls that grew up in their little, rich bubbles. They have never had to do a budget and make it until the next payday. They went to white schools with all of their little, rich, white friends, in their little, rich white neighborhoods. They thumbed their noses down on others since they could walk. They have not seen, nor do they care to, see anything that is contrary to their idealistic views.

Which brings me to this-aren’t most rich, white, liberals this way? Taylor Swift is not the only celebrity who speaks up when the platform is advantageous to her career and backs down for fear of being “canceled”. And, you know what? No matter how much these people speak up and lick the boots of the left, their “allyship” is never going to be enough. If you’re a liberal-leaning person, your allyship will never be enough for these crazies.

The discrepancy between her actions and her words reveal how she, like the many white women who came before her, capitalize off of empty allyship for their own self gain. At the height of her most successful Eras Tour, Swift will visit 52 stadiums at record-breaking crowds and rake in an estimated $500 million to $1 billion. Her platform is larger than ever, which only makes her silence more troubling. She used it to address Ticketmaster when it was difficult to get tickets to her shows. Addressing her complicity in racism? Not as big a deal, apparently.”-Kelly Pau, Salon

Hey Kelly-they don’t freaking care. None of them do. Now, I, for one, think this is a concept worth exploring for any liberal who is reading this right now. Look at the people who are supposedly your “allies”. Look at where they came from. Question their motivations. This includes your white guys and gals (and non-binary) pals currently in any public office. I mean white, liberal moms in your play group and your “inclusion” meetings who live down the street with the “Black Lives Matter” sign in their front yard have to get their script from somewhere.

If they have teenage girls, they’re hearing it from T-Swizzle herself.

See, Taylor? Even as you serve as the allyship handmaid, the left eats its own.

These are the joyful people you will party with in hell, Swift. Bring the Baphomet mask, toots. Satan respects preferred pronouns and vapid songs about all the guys you’ve slept with.

Funny, I call that Karma.

Photo Credit: Original Artwork By VG, Darleen Click

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  • Scott says:

    Good post Lisa… Kelly is obviously a racist twit, as are all who complain about “allyship” and other made up bullshit.. They’re just morons perpetuating racism, albeit from a different angle…

    As for Tay Tay, to paraphrase Brandon ” she ain’t country”….

  • Cameron says:

    They always think they are untouchable until they step wrong.

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