Salon Goes Godwin for Christmas

Salon Goes Godwin for Christmas

Salon Goes Godwin for Christmas

We at Victory Girls often skewer the Marxist progressive rag Salon since they provide us with so much material. Their writers hate conservatives. They hate Republicans. Moreover, they really, really despise Donald Trump.

Because Trump lives in the noggin of their “award-winning” writer Heather Digby Parton, aka “Digby,” she felt compelled to write an article about Christmas in the Third Reich. But not because she has a serious interest in history, mind you. It’s because she wants to 1) bash conservatives; 2) bash evangelical Christians; and 3) somehow connect Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler.

Thus, Digby violated the vibe of the Godwin Rule. While not an exact interpretation of the axiom, the internet meaning of the rule implies that if you use Hitler as part of your argument, your point has become ridiculous. But for progressives like Digby, the exception is Donald Trump. Hell, even Mike Godwin himself has exempted Trump from his own rule. As Godwin wrote in the Washington Post, “Yes, It’s Okay to Compare Trump to Hitler.”

For Salon, Trump is the target and it’s now weapons-free for them. Never mind that what Digby wrote makes no sense.


What Triggered the Salon Writer

Looking at some of Salon writer Digby’s past work, one can see that it doesn’t take much to trigger her into a rage about Trump. And when Trump apparently repeated an earlier claim that until he became president “no one could say Merry Christmas anymore,” she flew into a tizzy.

He made the claim again just the other day and his ecstatic followers practically went into a collective fugue state and began speaking in tongues they were so thrilled. This war on Christmas has been a theme on the right for many, many years but Trump is the first politician to say that he “won” it. It was smart. After all, the war didn’t exist in the first place so every time anyone says “Merry Christmas” he gets the credit. Boom! 

I don’t know what in the world she’s writing about. I read plenty of conservative media and have never encountered this news anywhere. Nor have I heard any Republican friends mention this — and I attended a GOP women’s Christmas party on Thursday. Besides, the “War on Christmas” notion didn’t start with Donald Trump anyway; it originated with commentator Bill O’Reilly when he was a Fox News host.

And if Trump really said that, it’s a throwaway comment. No one really believes that by a wave of his hand President Donald J. Trump gave permission for Christians to wish “Merry Christmas” in public.

But that gave Digby the go-ahead to invoke Hitler! 

I have no doubt that his right-wing evangelical fans are thrilled by all this. This is one of Christianity’s most important holidays after all. On the other hand, most of them are also fine with Trump evoking Adolph Hitler’s rhetoric so their alleged reverence for Christmas as a religious holiday may be beside the point. 

Wow, what a stretch.

My guess is that Digby knows very few — if any — practicing Christians, and certainly doesn’t practice the faith herself. Moreover, if you do a quick search for “Digby” and “religion” you’ll find a lengthy backlog of articles she’s written that bash Christians. They’re quasi-Nazis in her fevered brain.


And Speaking of Nazis…

Digby writes about many of the restrictions that Adolf Hitler and his Nazi party placed upon Germans during the Reich. Nazis altered the sentiment of “peace on earth” to “peace after all the enemies had been vanquished,” as she wrote. They changed the star atop the tree to the Sig rune, an old Norse symbol. They even produced their own swastika ornaments.

Salon Nazi Christmas

Credit: Wolfmann/Wikimedia Commons/CC BY-SA 4.0. 

Furthermore, she notes that the Nazis changed the lyrics of “Silent Night” to celebrate Hitler. And since St. Nicholas originated in Turkey and wasn’t of the Aryan race, propagandists converted him into the pagan god Woton, renaming him “Solstice Man.”

Interesting stuff, if it’s accurate. Yet I rather doubt the Gestapo burst into each German home to make their Christmas trees had runes atop them.

But all this has … what to do with Donald Trump?

Absolutely nothing, actually. When Trump was president, did he try to dictate how Americans were to celebrate our most beloved holiday? Did he try to alter their religious practices?

No, and no. But Salon writer Digby needs to twist a sordid bit of 20th century history to fit her hysteria:

But you can see where the worship of a demagogue can lead a country. People went along with that absurdity because, whether through desire to please or to avoid intimidation, they did whatever Hitler wanted them to do. He persuaded them that maintaining the purity of “German blood” was of paramount importance and everything and everyone had to submit to that priority. With almost half of Republicans telling pollsters that Trump’s rant about immigrants poisoning the blood of America made them more likely to support him, it appears the MAGA movement is headed down that same path. 

I’ll bet she’s fun at parties.


Okay, Salon, Now Do the Soviet Union

In her article, Digby condemned the Germans who lived under the tyranny of the Third Reich as being rabid nationalists, hostile to liberal social changes, and antisemitic (never mind that Nazi leadership knew that most Germans would be horrified at the proposed Final Solution, according to historian Ian Kershaw). She also said they were “anti-communist.”

Oh, so opposing communism is a bad thing? How did the former Soviet Union celebrate Christmas? Answer: they twisted the meaning and practice of the holiday just as badly as the Nazis did.

Because that is what totalitarian regimes do.

The British website “Rather Good,” which created comedy videos featuring kittens, produced this mockery of Christmas under Soviet Communism.

It’s funny, but as with the best humor, there’s a lot of truth to it. The Soviets controlled citizens, murdered, purged, and established fear among the people — just like the Nazis. They also engaged in attacks against Jews — don’t forget the pogroms. Stalin in particular was responsible for those.

But it’s also funny how progressives, like Digby at Salon, never criticize Marxists and Communists. Instead, they promote a quasi-Marxist belief system that seeks to stamp out traditional Christianity, uses DEI as one of its dogmas, and abortion as its sacrament.

Yet to Salon, the real evil lies with Donald Trump, who would be the second coming of Hitler. Leave it to progressives like Digby to be the turds in the Christmas punchbowl.


Featured image: Wolfmann/Wikimedia Commons/CC BY-SA 4.0. Cropped.





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Kim is a pint-sized patriot who packs some big contradictions. She is a Baby Boomer who never became a hippie, an active Republican who first registered as a Democrat (okay, it was to help a sorority sister's father in his run for sheriff), and a devout Lutheran who practices yoga. Growing up in small-town Indiana, now living in the Kansas City metro, Kim is a conservative Midwestern gal whose heart is also in the Seattle area, where her eldest daughter, son-in-law, and grandson live. Kim is a working speech pathologist who left school system employment behind to subcontract to an agency, and has never looked back. She describes her conservatism as falling in the mold of Russell Kirk's Ten Conservative Principles. Don't know what they are? Google them!

  • John Shepherd says:

    It seems like the more Nazi-like the Left becomes the more they need to call Republicans Nazis.

    • NTSOG says:

      Well the National Socialists [NSDAP] never stopped being of the left wing, but the modern wokists are embarrassed by the fact that good old Uncle Adolph and the others in his ‘band’ were of the Left and all for the Volk.

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