Rudy Giuliani’s Daughter Knifes Him In The Back

Rudy Giuliani’s Daughter Knifes Him In The Back

Rudy Giuliani’s Daughter Knifes Him In The Back

Rudy Giuliani may be feeling King Lear these days:

How sharper than a serpent’s tooth it is

To have a thankless child.—Away, away!

Rudy Giuliani has had a tough row to hoe lately. Like Donald Trump, Mayor Giuliani has had lawfare hurled upon him. And, like Trump, if Giuliani would just sit down and keep his mouth shut, he wouldn’t be such a big target. Bankrupt! Disbarred! Not only disbarred in New York, but also D.C.

Now, his daughter Caroline has knifed him in the back. She says it’s all Donald Trump’s fault, but there is a lot more to this story. Miss Caroline has serious unresolved “Daddy Issues” that have nothing to do with Donald Trump. She has now retched all these things better confessed to her therapist in a piece for Vanity Fair. The opening paragraph:

Iam constantly asking myself how America is back here, even considering the possibility of electing Donald Trump again, after all of the damage he has caused, both in office and since. While Kamala Harris has gained extraordinary momentum by infusing this election with vitality and hope, I worry that too many Americans remain disconnected from the visceral, psychologically draining memory of Trump’s deeply destabilizing presidency. If enough people truly remembered what that chaos felt like, another Trump term wouldn’t even be on the table. But for those open to seeing the bare and unvarnished truth, there are unmistakable reminders of Trump’s destructive trail all around us, and it has broken my heart to watch my dad become one of them.

Her heart’s broken, not in sorrow for Mayor Giuliani’s trials, but for herself. Miss Giuliani is mad as a wet hen that her Dad hooked his wagon up with Trump. But what choice did the man who took down the mob have. The Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden run criminal enterprises and Rudy had to step up. There is more:

My dad and I have a cartoonishly complicated relationship. But he is still my father, and despite his faults, I love him. I’ve seen him experience surreal heights, and, now, unfathomable lows. The last thing I want to do is hurt him, especially when he’s already down. Plus we never know how much time we have left with our parents. The totality of that makes this the most difficult piece I’ve ever written. Yet this moment and this election are so much bigger than any of us.

From reproductive rights and the economy, to foreign and environmental policy, we need experienced, sane, and fundamentally decent leaders who will fight for us instead of against us—who will safeguard our democracy rather than dismantle it. And as a recently engaged-to-be-married, 35-year-old who hopes to feel more joyous than fearful about the potential of becoming a parent myself, I need to advocate for a future worth bringing children into, which is why I am voicing my adamant support for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz.

Kamala thinks this is some big get, like the I.R.S. union:

This is not new news for Caroline Giuliani. In 2016, she was all in for Hillary. She voted for Joe Biden too. For your situational awareness, she’s also into polyamory. It helps with her creativity and anxiety, or something.

We should all vote Kamala so that Caroline feels okay to have a baby. This has absolutely nothing to do with Rudy Giuliani divorcing Caroline’ mother, Donna Hanover when Caroline was 11 years old. She talks about dealing with complicated feelings. She should try the Daddy-Daughter ones:

As someone who overcame a deeply ingrained eating disorder and has worked through various other manifestations of anxiety and depression, I’m no stranger to processing complicated feelings. But this new albatross left me floored by a potent mix of fear, anger, confusion, and sadness that often had me crying over my dad, and for him, at the same time. I always saw flaws in my dad that people blinded by his celebrity couldn’t see, but on some level, the absurd scale of his success and notoriety also made it hard to believe that anything could actually take him down. I spent a lot of my life wishing my father had less power. But I never wanted it to happen like this. And selfishly, the deeper my dad gets stuck in the quicksand of his problems, the more fleeting our opportunities to connect as father and daughter become. After months of feeling the type of sorrow that comes from the death of a loved one, it dawned on me that I’ve been grieving the loss of my dad to Trump. I cannot bear to lose our country to him too.

A hurting woman infested with woke mind virus. Or a bitter daughter lashing out at the Father who did his duty to his city and country. She’s a little long in the tooth to whine about her Dad and the Mob or her Dad holding the city together after 9/11. Caroline needs a better therapist. Vote Trump.

Away, away, thankless child.

Featured Image: Gage Skidmore/ Commons/Nolwenn Leduc/ Domain

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