Robert DeNiro Gives Deranged Rant For Biden Outside Trump Trial

Robert DeNiro Gives Deranged Rant For Biden Outside Trump Trial

Robert DeNiro Gives Deranged Rant For Biden Outside Trump Trial

I might just have to become a day-drinker, starting now. The Biden Harris team sought to take advantage of the banks of cameras at the Trump Trial in Manhattan. The campaign rolled out aged Liberal actor Robert DeNiro to lecture/hector calmly explain to us poor, benighted yokels why Donald Trump is bent on destroying the country. This went bad so many ways. The “Eff Joe Biden” chants and the blaring car alarm were the very least of the problems. DeNiro’s deranged rant segued into arguing with a Trump supporter. It was so squirrelly I had to look away. The Biden people should be profoundly embarrassed.

The car alarm was flat annoying, but my favorite part was when Robert DeNiro said that everyone in Manhattan tolerated Donald Trump when he was just a “grubby real estate developer”. That’s such a snobby thing to say. Trump is a “Bridge and Tunnel Guy”. Bridge and Tunnel people have to take a bridge or tunnel go get into Manhattan and “are not our kind, dear”.

I actually felt sorry for Biden Communications Director Michael Tyler. As he opened his mouth to speak, it seemed like he realized what a mistake they were making:

President Joe Biden’s campaign on Tuesday showed up outside former President Donald Trump’s New York City criminal hush money trial in an effort to refocus the race on the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol insurrection.

Biden’s team, which had largely ignored the trial since it began six weeks ago, was looking to capitalize on its drama-filled closing moments, sending actor Robert De Niro and some of the first responders at the Capitol that day. A top adviser said they weren’t there to talk about the trial, rather to exploit the large media focus on the legal proceedings.

“We’re not here today because of what’s going on over there,” said Biden campaign communication director Michael Tyler, gesturing toward the courthouse. “We’re here today because you all are here.”

Michael Tyler quickly introduced the star, Robert DeNiro. He began by calling Trump a “thing”. Yes, that is Michael Fanone, the J6 lying cop, over DeNiro’s shoulder:

DeNiro’s deranged mind tells him that Donald Trump wants to destroy the city and the country. Donald Trump built large parts of the city. DeNiro reads other people’s words. Grubby real estate hustler, my Aunt Fanny. Biden/Harris actually tweeted “grubby real estate hustler”.

Karl Rove, not a Trump fan, was not best pleased by the Robert DeNiro media avail. From Mediaite:

Fox News contributor Karl Rove blasted the Biden campaign for holding a press conference featuring Robert De Niro outside of Donald Trump’s trial on Tuesday morning, calling it a “big mistake” that should worry President Joe Biden’s supporters.

“Stupid mistake by the Biden campaign! They wanted to get, while all the cameras were there, they wanted to get their moment in the sun. And it was a big mistake,” began Rove.

He continued:

It politicized the trial — better to have waited. And then what was said, with all due respect to Mr. De Niro, who’s a wonderful, wonderful actor, I mean, really the people up for grabs in this election, are they going to be, “Donald Trump wants to destroy New York, destroy America, and destroy the world. And if you reelect him, he’s never going to leave office. He’s going to make himself a tyrant for life.” Are those the kind of credible statements that are going to cause people who don’t like Biden and don’t like Trump, but are trying to figure out who to vote for. are they going to cause people to say, “Well, geez, you now told me you wanted to destroy our country? Of course he did.” The people who believe that are already in the Biden camp. That’s not who they should be trying to reach out to. He came close in a moment of talking about January 6 and talking about the two officers, but that might have had an impact. But this was so over the top as to simply be useless. And what a stupid mistake on the part of the Biden campaign. More reason why Democratic leaders are probably going to be concerned that he’s the nominee, likely nominee of their party.

The De Niro press conference was held shortly after closing arguments began in Trump’s NYC trial and comes on the heels of a new Politico report suggesting that Democrats are in a “full-blown freakout” over the state of Biden’s campaign.

Karl Rove is one of the few nimrods who believe that the J6 riot was Trump inspired, so this is huge.

Stock up on wine and scotch and whatever. The next couple months are going to be wild. These people are all deranged.

Featured Image: John Mathew Smith & Commons

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  • Note to Rove: You cannot politicize a political trial.

    There is a division in this country – those who applaud the destruction of anyone who disagrees with their agenda by any means necessary, and those who don’t.

    There is a smaller division between the would-be tyrants: Those who are honest about their intentions, and those who lie.

  • John Shepherd says:

    De Niro should ticktowjat he is good at. — acting.

    De Niro was great as Frank “Lefty” Rosenthal in Casino but my uncle worked for Frank “Lefty” Rosenthal.

    • GWB says:

      I was thinking you were getting around saying a bad word until I’d read it twice. NTTATWWT

  • Joe R. says:

    Who thinks this is not going to end in violence?

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