Republicans Should Be Nervous

Republicans Should Be Nervous

Republicans Should Be Nervous

You know that old saying, do not rest on your laurels. That’s what the message should be to the Republicans. They should have a healthy dose of nervousness right now. It is anything but an easy, breezy path to victory come November.

I’ve never been one to believe any of the polls; my angst comes from reading the room – or the internet. And I am not getting a warm and fuzzy feeling about a Trump victory.

With former President Donald Trump trailing in the polling averages for the first time in months, Republicans are starting to panic.

Trump’s deficits as a candidate have some Republicans privately pining for the switcheroo Democrats pulled off at the top of their ticket from President Joe Biden to Vice President Kamala Harris. – The Washington Examiner

Let’s not get hasty with talking about a switcheroo. That’s stupid and is not going to happen. But Trump should get back on message. Last night, he sat down with Elon Musk for a “conversation” that had the state media coming unglued and afraid of free speech.

I love free speech, but I want Donald Trump’s speech to focus on policies and Kamala’s horrible record. Instead, he digresses and gets sidetracked with meaningless, repeated, going-nowhere narration. I know that sounds harsh. If someone has told Donald to be softer since July 13th, please immediately stop.

Yes, Trump does talk about the Democrat’s failed policies, but he needs to get there quicker.

The election is just 3 months away. Trump should tighten up his stump speeches. Get to the point faster, sir. Use bold but truthful language and hit hard. That’s what I’d like to hear. JD Vance can’t carry the whole campaign by himself.

And we do now live in a fairyland with liberal media propaganda. And cheats. Don’t forget that. The Democrats have no problem with this sort of tactic.

Kamala Harris stole the words of one of Donald Trump’s campaign ideas, the No Tax On Tips and the general population ate it up like it was the newest thing since sliced bread.

I’ve been on a roller coaster ride for the last month. Admittedly, I was nervous when Trump became the nominee. I was hoping DeSantis would do better. But he didn’t. So Trump it is, and I’m behind him, albeit nervously.

But then, the positive patriotic energy from the Republican National Convention had me with high hopes again.

Now, I’m back to being nervous, and it’s all because of Kamala Harris. I wrote about her before when everyone was speculating who would replace old man Joe. I knew back then it would be Kamala. Not only that, but she also has a good chance of winning. She has the legacy media on her side, after all. It doesn’t matter that she was the unpopular candidate in 2020. And the Democrats don’t give one crap about how she was not primaried-in this go-round. No one voted for her to be their candidate.

Biden’s evident and growing flaws as a communicator at age 81, seen by many voters as a reflection of his broader fitness for office, wiped out whatever remaining confidence Democrats had in his ability to manage any kind of comeback.

Now Republicans find themselves in a similar situation. They are shocked by Harris’s rise in the polls just weeks after they seemed to have the 2024 election well in hand. It has reminded the more timorous Trump supporters among them of everything they have always disliked about him. They question whether Trump has the message discipline required to close an even narrower gap with Harris, 0.4 percentage points in the RealClearPolitics national average as of Monday night, by the start of early voting or November. – The Washington Examiner

Kamala also looks youthful compared to Joe Biden. Although she hasn’t given a press conference or taken substantive questions from the press, she still looks better than Joe at her well-produced rallies. At least she can exit a stage without looking around like a lost child. Sadly, that is what her base will see and all they care about. Policies-schmolicies.

The latest tactic in getting Kamala Harris into the popular circle is dragging in Obama’s name.

Millions of dollars are pouring into her campaign, and she’s breaking fundraising records. Groups of “white dudes” and “cat ladies” have rushed to her side, along with the big money and star power of Hollywood.

Harris’s image has found its way onto the iconic Shepard Fairey “Hope” posters and T-shirts, a visual that ties her to former President Obama’s 2008 campaign, when he stole the spotlight and cemented his own rock star status in the party.

Democrats say this surge of enthusiasm for Harris hasn’t been seen since the Obama campaign, which prompted organic support from Democrats and independent voters. – The Hill

You may scoff at this, but if this catches on, it will be devastating for the Republicans. The Democrats are still in love with Barack Hussein Obama.

Then again, maybe some of us have fallen for the state media’s propaganda like this –

Sometimes, seeing what the media will put out there as the truth seems shocking. The media shouldn’t be on anyone’s candidate’s side. They should simply be investigating and reporting facts. But this is not how it is done anymore. This is why Donald Trump’s messaging needs to be sharpened to precision. Give them the one-two combo, one-two combo over and over again.

We don’t have much time left in this election cycle. Tighten it up.

What say you? Are you feeling nervous or confident? Comments are open.

Honestly, I am only nervous because the last time I was confident in a Trump victory, it was taken from him.

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  • Scott says:

    Good post Carol. As to your question. Obama proved that democrats are about NOTHING but identity politics. As Clint Eastwood eloquently pointed out, Zero was an empty suit, his stings being pulled by people like Soros.. Kamala is just the next iteration of that, with the added benefit of being a woman. Low info, low IQ Democrat voters don’t give a damn ( and are unlikely to be able to understand )in depth policy discussions, they just want their egos stroked, and to hear about free ahit and get the rich.. never mind that they can’t articulate a single Democrat policy that has made the world better, or our nation stronger. Add to that the massive numbers of illegals that are registering ro vote as rhey get drivers licenses thwy shouldn’t get, a d it’s a true recipe for.disaster

  • Art Welling says:

    Sure, Republicans should be nervous for themselves, their party, and their power

    On the other hand, ALL of should be nervous at the thought of how damage can done to the nation in the coming years. The party of dumb has issues, but the party of evil has PLANS.

  • Whatever the message – it has to GET there. The media – with the exception of X – will wall it off just as much as they can (yes, that includes Fox and WSJ – still pining for the Establishment).

    The X interview was a LARGE hole in that wall. 72 million views is at least half of the real electorate.

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